Courses at the Department of Earth Science
Here you can find an overview of courses offered at our department. The 100-level courses are introductory courses taught in Norwegian, and are mainly for bachelor students. 200-level courses can be taken by both bachelor and master students, while 300-level courses are for master and PhD students.
Main content
100-level courses
GEOV104 / Introduction to Structural Geology and Tectonics (10 ECTS)
GEOV109 / Introduction to Geochemistry (10 ECTS)
GEOV111 / Geophysical Methods (10 ECTS)
200-level courses
GEOV218 / Rock Physics (10 ECTS)
GEOV225 / Field Course in Quarternary Geology and Palaeoclimatology (10 ECTS)
GEOV231 / Marine Geological Field-and Laboratory Course (10 ECTS)
GEOV261 / Basin analysis and subsurface interpretation (10 ECTS)
GEOV265 / Global and Applied Geophysics (10 ECTS)
GEOV298 / Geo Internship (10 ECTS)
300-level courses
GEOV302 / Data analysis in earth science (10 ECTS)
GEOV316 / Practical Skills in Remote Sensing and Spatial analysis (10 ECTS)
GEOV322 / Master Level Field Excursion in Quaternary Geology (5 ECTS)
GEOV325 / Glaciology (10 ECTS)
GEOV329 / Quaternary geochronology (10 ECTS)
GEOV331 / Palaeoceanography (5 ECTS)
GEOV342 / The geochemical toolbox (10 ECTS)
GEOV344 / Geobiology and evolution of life on Earth (10 ECTS, will be taught next time spring 2025)
GEOV345 / Regional geologic excursion to Western Norway (5 ECTS)
GEOV350 / Geodynamics and Plate Tectonic Processes (10 ECTS)
GEOV355 / Applied Seismology (10 ECTS)
GEOV360 / Advanced clastic sedimentology (10 ECTS)
Continuing education courses
100-level courses
GEOV101 / Introduction to Geology (10 ECTS)
GEOV107 / Introduction to Sedimentology (10 ECTS)
GEOV110 / Introduction to Earth surface processes and paleoclimate (10 ECTS)
GEOV112 / Physics of the Solid Earth (10 ECTS)
GEOV113 / Seismic Reflection Data: Acquisition and Processing (10 ECTS)
GEOV114 / Introduction to geobiology (10 ECTS)
200-level courses
GEOV205 / Geographical Information Systems: Theory and Practice (10 ECTS)
GEOV217 / Geohazards (10 ECTS)
GEOV222 / Palaeoclimatology (10 ECTS)
GEOV243 / Environmental geochemistry (10 ECTS)
GEOV245 / Geomicrobiology (10 ECTS)
GEOV251 / Advanced Structural Geology (10 ECTS)
GEOV272 / Seismic Interpretation (10 ECTS)
GEOV277 / Signal analysis and inversion in the earth sciences (10 ECTS)
300-level courses
GEOV300 / Scientific writing and communication in Earth Science (5 ECTS)
GEOV324 / Polar Palaeoclimate (5 ECTS)
GEOV355 / Applied Seismology (10 ECTS)
GEOV361 / Sequence Stratigraphy and Source-to-Sink (10 ECTS)
GEOV364 / Advanced basin analysis (5 ECTS)
Sustainability courses
SDG207 / Energy Transition (10 ECTS)
SDG213 / Causes and consequences of Climate Change (10 ECTS)
Continuing education courses
HOSP-GEOV / Science Project in Earth Science (5 or 10 ECTS)
SDG607 / Energy Transition (10 ECTS)