Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Here are the new members of the MN Faculty Board for the period 2021 - 2025


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We present the new members of the MN Faculty Board for the period 01.08.2021 - 31.07.2025:

Group A

For the period 01.08.2021 - 31.07.2025:

Elected as members:
Katja Enberg  
Eivind Dale Valen       
Elin Maria Kristina Darelius Chiche                  

Elected as deputies:

  1. vara: Bodil Holst
  2. vara: Dorothy Jane Dankel
  3. vara: Morten Brun
  4. vara: Jostein Bakke
  5. vara: Adrian Florin Radu
  6. vara: Geir Anton Johansen
  7. vara: Henrik Kalisch
  8. vara: Christian Haug Eide
  9. vara: Trygve Skjold

Any complaint has be to submitted to the election committee by 9th june 2021.


Group B

For the period 01.08.2021 - 31.07.2022:

Elected as a member:
Jessica Tengvall

Elected as deputies:

  1. vara: Sara Filippa Krusmynta Fransner
  2. vara: Svein Høgemo

Any complaint has be to submitted to the election committee by 9th june 2021.


Group C

For the period 01.08.2021 - 31.07.2025:

Elected as a member:
Lill Kristin Knudsen

Elected as deputies:

  1. vara: Stefanie Meyer
  2. vara: Eivind Wilhelm Nagel Støren
  3. vara: Olav Audun Bjørkelund

Any complaint has be to submitted to the election committee by 9th june 2021.


Group D

For the period 01.08.2021 - 31.07.2022:

Elected as members:
Solveig Adine Osjord
Brigt Arve Toppe Håvardstun

Elected as deputies:

  1. vara: Ingeborg Rønning
  2. vara: Mathias Brevik

Any complaint has be to submitted to the election committee by 9th june 2021.


Please vote here!

(You can cast your vote from 9am 25th May 2021).

To learn more about each candidate, please have a look at their below presentations, to be found within their respective groups.

Group A candidates:

Trygve  Skjold  
Proposed by:Bjørn Johan Arntzen

Bodil Holst       
Proposed by: Jörn Kersten

Dorothy Dankel
Proposed by: Karin Pittman

Elin Darelius Chiche
Proposed by: Knut Barthel, Joachim Reuder, Jan Asle Olseth

Adrian Florin Radu       
Proposed by: Jan Martin Nordbotten, Inga Berre, Martin  Fernø, Kristine Spildo

Eivind   Valen
Proposed by: Jan Arne Telle, Nathalie Reuder, Sushma Grellscheid, Inge Jonassen

Morten Brun
Proposed by: Guttorm Alendal, Gunnar Fløystad, Christian Schlichtkrull

Jostein Bakke
Proposed by: Kerim Hestnes Nisancioglu, Ulysses Ninnemann

Geir Anton Johansen
Proposed by: Camilla Sætre, Nikolai  Østgaard

Henrik  Kalisch
Proposed by: Magnus Svärd, Ilker Fer

Katja Enberg
Proposed by: Jarl Giske, Dag Lorents Aksnes, Sigrunn Eliassen, Øyvind Fiksen,

Christian Hauge Eide
Proposed by: William Shedd Helland-Hansen, Atle Rotevatn

Group B candidates:

Filippa  Fransner
Proposed by: Kjersti Konstali, Laura Dietrich, Till Baumann

Jessica  Tengvall
Proposed by: Gaute Wilhelmsen Seljestad, Ragnhild Gya

Svein Høgemo
Proposed by: Lars Jaffke

Group C candidates:

Stefanie Meyer
Proposed by: Frederike Hoffmann, Kari Nordvik, Mahaut D.M.S. Vareilles

Lill Kristin Knudsen
Proposed by: Diana Cornelia Turcu, Ann Kristin Frøyset, 

Eivind Wilhelm N. Støren
Proposed by: Lars Evje

Olav Audun Bjørklund
Proposed by: Trine Lise Stjernholm

The deadline for proposing a candidate is 12 noon on 23rd March.

Election period: 25th–28th May 2021.The election starts at 9am on 25th May and ends at 12 noon on 28th May.

How to put forth proposals for members of the Faculty Board:

  • The proposal must be in writing.
  • The proposal must be signed by at least the same number of proposers as the number of candidates the proposal contains.
  • The proposer(s) must be entitled to vote in the election. No one can sign more than one proposal.
  • All proposed candidates must be eligible.
  • If any candidate is entitled to exemption from election, a written consent from the candidate must be attached to the proposal.
  • The proposal must be submitted no later than 12 noon on 23rd March. 

Submit your proposals by e-mail to gry.parker@uib.no. The written proposal must be attached.

Please be advised all the documents and discussions in the Faculty Board meetings are in Norwegian and a proficient level of the language is thus required.

Please visit the students’ election website for further details of the student election.

Election of the following board members

The following members are to be elected:

  • Group A - 3 representatives and at least 2 deputies from group A (representatives of permanent employees in teaching and research positions / employees on fixed terms)
  • Group B - 1 representative and at least 2 deputies from group B (representatives of temporary staff in teaching and research positions)
  • Group C - 1 representative and at least 2 deputies from group C (representatives of technical and administrative staff)
  • Group D - 2 representatives and at least 2 deputies from group D (students)

Please visit the students’ election website for further details of the student election.

Who can vote?

You can vote if you fulfill the following requirements:

Temporary academic staff employed in a minimum 50% position for the coming 12 months or staff that have been consecutively employed for at least 12 months.

Please check if you are eligible to vote.
The register will be updated in March. 

If you cannot find your name in the electoral register, please let us know by sending an e-mail to: valgstyret@uib.no 

The Faculty's election committee spring 2021

  • Gr. A: Fredrik Manne, professor, Institutt for informatikk, leader of the election committee
    Substitute: Tanja Barth, professor, Kjemisk institutt
  • Gr. A: Jorun Egge, professor, Institutt for biovitenskap
    Substitute: Bjørn Grung, førsteamanuensis, Kjemisk institutt
  • Gr. B: Marianne Solberg, stipendiat, Institutt for fysikk og teknologi
    Substitute: Eivind Nag Mosland, stipendiat, Institutt for fysikk og teknologi
  • Gr. C: Linda Vagtskjold, administrasjonssjef, Institutt for informatikk
    Substitute: Ole Tumyr, overingeniør, Institutt for geovitenskap
  • Gr. D: Matias Helleve, master student, Institutt for fysikk og teknologi
    Substitute: Sander Iden, bachelor student, Institutt for fysikk og teknologi

        Secretary to the election committee:  Gry E. Parker