Innovation at the Faculty of Medicine – From knowledge to solutions
The research we produce is to be transformed into new ideas and solutions with clear societal benefit.
Main content
The Faculty of Medicine define innovation broadly, and support innovative ideas through a variety of channels and meeting places:
- Eitri The center is a collaboration between UiB, Helse Bergen, and VIS, focusing on the development of commercializable ideas and spin-out companies. It includes a business incubator, development labs, and support services.
- Alrek Health Cluster focused towards health services, user engagement and social innovation.
- Important innovation also happens in collaborative projects with industry, Haukeland University Hospital and Kunnskapskommunen.
- Connect with your faculty innovation advisor even before the idea is ready for development, in order to get advice on possibilities, strategy and getting access to other support services.
Do you have?
A project in need of excellent research?
- Please contact either the faculty's innovation advisor, or reach out directly to the reserachers. If there is a good match of interests and competence, we can find solutions for everything else.
- See also information at UiB central administration (FIA) webpages.
A good idea? (employee)
- Reach out early to the faculty's innovation advisor or VIS. Should IPR be protected in order to develop the idea further? Should it be developed internally or in collaboration with externals?
- Rights and ownership is described in the Employee Invention Act and the UiB regulations. Officially inventions are disclosed to VIS through a formal DOFI, in practice you should contact VIS early and fill out the DOFI together.
- Early phase ideas can get financial support through UiB Idé. More mature ideas can apply for NFR Forny project and the inventors can apply for the TILT-programme. If the idea is spun out in a private company, this opens different opportunities (f.ex. through Innovation Norway), but we recommend exploring the early stage opportunities first.
A good idea? (student)
- Apply for UiB Idé!
- Reach out to the Student Innovasjon Pilots, Innovasjonshub, or the innovation advisors at FIA.
- Remember that by default you own the rights to your own ideas, along with the risks. If you collaborate with others about the idea, you should have a clear agreement.
Entrepreneurship Ambitions?
- Starting a company is easy – making money less so. The best learning is through experience, but the cost may be high. Pick up knowledge and tips before you make the jump.
- The start-up environment at Eitri and the other incubators in Bergen is based on sharing and learning. Come for waffles on a Friday and start talking to us. You can also apply for workspace at Eitri.
- The TILT Academic Entrepreneurship Program is new in 2025 and tailored towards entrepreneurship based on academic research.
Want to learn more?
- We offer courses in Innovation and Entrepreneurship: ELMED223-A Innovation and entrepreneurship is an elective course for medicine students but also open to others. This is offered every year, normally as an intensive 2-week course in january. Additionally some researcher schools offer PhD courses: in fall 2025 we are offering the CCBIONEUR912 Health innovation course.
- UiB central admin (FIA) has useful webpages on innovation, both for employees and students.
- The Teklab project from media science has published an online innovation textbook. So far only in Norwegian but with ambitions to translate.
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