Research possibilities for the MSCA SEAS postdoctoral research fellow in informatics for marine sustainability
The information on this page is a supplement to the complete advertisement of the position in the recruitment-portal Jobbnorge. Call deadline is January 15, 2024. The full advertisement of this position in Jobbnorge will be available from November 15, 2023 (official call opening), and linked from this web page. Up until official call opening there might be minor adjustments in the Guide for applicants and the templates needed for applying, and also on the content of the current page.
Main content
Key information
One position | MSCA SEAS postdoctoral research fellow at Department of Informatics |
Jobbnorge title | MSCA SEAS postdoctoral research fellow in informatics for marine sustainability |
Topical frame | Performing research in informatics towards marine sustainability, under supervision and in collaboration with one of the research groups at the department. |
Contact person | Professor and Head of department Inge Jonassen (who will help establish contact with a relevant supervisor at the department) |
Mobility | For an incoming or outgoing candidate, see mobility rules |
Unit of employment | Department of Informatics at University of Bergen |
Group affiliation(s) | See description of research groups at Department pages, as well as CEDAS Center for Data Science, CBU Computational Biology Unit, Energy Informatics |
Thematic area and contact
The applicant will in collaboration with a supervisor at the department develop a project description towards marine sustainability within the research area of the relevant group/center at the department. The research groups are within algorithms, bioinformatics, machine learning, optimization, programming theory, secure communication, visualization, and didactics.
The position is open to either an incoming or an outgoing candidate, see mobility rules.
The successful candidate will be employed at the Department of Informatics.
Information about the department and research groups can be found at the Department web pages. Further details about the position can be found below.
For further details about the research possibilities please contact Professor and Head of department Inge Jonassen.
Research possibilities and resources
The supervisor
A supervisor can be found among the associate and full professors at Department of informatics. The department performs foundational research within selected fields of informatics. Several of the research groups are internationally leading within their fields. The department has through the ICT-evaluations performed by the Research Council of Norway (1992, 2002, 2012) got the highest grades among departments nationally.
The research group
Each research group is performing foundational research within an area of computer science and includes at least three full or associate professors and a number of post-docs, PhD-students and master students. The candidate will together with a potential supervisor (associate or full professor at the department) develop a project proposal linked with the research in the group towards marine sustainability. The Head of department can assist interested candidates identify potential supervisors.
Research possibilities for the fellow - topical frame
The postdoctoral fellow position is connected to the thematic area of marine sustainability and will contribute to foundational research within one of the department’s research groups.
See the full advertisement in Jobbnorge
The full advertisement in Jobbnorge will be available from November 15, 2023, until call deadline January 15, 2024.
Important general information
Please be aware
- That until November 15, 2023 (official call opening) there might be minor adjustments in the Guide for applicants and the templates needed for applying.
- That the application process is time-demanding and requires a close dialogue with name-given available faculty supervisor or contact who, close to the deadline, must sign a supervisor match declaration if an application is to be eligible.
- That some fields of research, especially within sensitive technology areas, might be enforced by Norwegian and international regulations regarding Control of the Export of Strategic Goods, Services and Technology. Candidates who by assessment of the application and attachment are seen to conflict with the criteria in these regulations might be prohibited from recruitment to UiB.