New Centre for deep marine research
Centre Director Rolf Birger Pedersen laid the foundation stone for the new Centre for deep marine research

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The Centre for Geobiology (CGB) is one of four Norwegian Centres of Excellence (SFF) at the University of Bergen (UiB). The centre is one of the world’s leading environments for basic research on the deep ocean layers.
Centre Director, and professor at Department of Earth Science, Rolf Birger Pedersen laid the foundation stone for the new Centre for deep marine research on Friday 24 January. The new centre builds upon work at the Centre for Geobiology when the SFF expires in 2017.
At the launch of the new centre, Norway’s Minister of Education and Research, Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, expressed great satisfaction with the plans for the new centre.
“This centre represents a boost for Norway as a nation of knowledge,” Røe Isaksen said. “I find this centre to be very exciting, in particular because of the connection between the academic traditions of biology and geology. This is also a quite young research field internationally.”
Read about the new deep marine center and the scierntific ambitions behind it in article published in Universitetet i Bergen, News here.