Department of Clinical Medicine

Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO)

Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO) is a Centre of Excellence (CoE) at the Faculty of Medicine, UiB.

Collage of photos from CCBIO situations; research, teaching, symposia.
Ingvild Melien and CCBIO

Main content

CCBIO was officially opened 30.-31. May 2013.

The center is working on new cancer biomarkers and targeted therapy, and has particular focus on mechanisms that show how cancer cells are affected by the microenvironment in the tumors, and what significance this has for cancer proliferation and poor prognosis.

By three overlapping research programs, CCBIO will re-focus its cancer research into the following fields, each with specific projects.

  • Mechanisms of Tumor Micro-environment Interactions
  • Exploration and Validation of Cancer Biomarkers
  • Clinical Applications and Trial Studies

Centre director is Lars A. Akslen, Department of Clinical Medicine.

CCBIO is organized as a matrix structure across six departments and four faculties. Its main activities are located at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (FMD)´s departments, Department of Clinical Medicine (K1), Department of Clinical Science (K2) and Department of Biomedicine (IBM).

CCBIO's educational activities include the CCBIO Research School Programme, the CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposia, CCBIO seminars and the annual CCBIO Symposium.

Find much more information at CCBIO's website.