Faculty of Psychology
The Faculty of Psychology

Work on optimal departmental structure

This is an information page for the work on consdering optimal departmental structure. Here you will find the report prepared by the committee, relevant faculty board cases, the timeline for the process, and information about open meetings.

Illustrasjonsbilde av arbeidsprosess
Illustration for process.

Main content


In the faculty board meeting on August 31, 2023, it was decided to initiate a process to investigate optimal departmental structure. The decision in case 75/23 is formulated as follows in the protocol (translated form Norwegian):

Based on the discussion in the faculty board, the faculty management is requested to prepare a case for the next faculty board meeting with proposals for the mandate and composition of a committee to investigate suggestions for optimal unit structure with fewer units at the Faculty of Psychology.

The case statement is based on the following background:

Currently, the Faculty has a structure with five departments established in 2009, as well as two independent centers (centers with their own finances). Both the previous and current strategic plans include to consider whether the current departmental structure is most suitable concerning educational offerings, research topics, and potential areas of collaboration. Additionally, the faculty has salary and personnel resources associated with maintaining five departments. On this basis, the faculty board is invited to discuss the possible initiation of investigating optimal unit structure with fewer units at the Faculty of Psychology, including the overarching rules that should apply in such a process. The current case does not address proposals for mandates, information channels, committees, timelines, etc. - these are aspects that may be included in a faculty board case on October 19, 2023.

In the faculty board meeting on October 19, 2023 (case 85/23), it was decided to look into an optimal unit structure with fewer departments at the Faculty of Psychology. A committee was to be established with representation from all departments and the faculty administration. The composition was to include four members of the academic staff, three members of technical/administrative staff, and two students.

Committee mandate

The committee's final mandate was determined in the faculty board meeting on 19.10.2023, and is formulated as follows in the meeting protocol (translated from Norwegian):

Based on the faculty's academic visions in the strategic plan for 2023-2030, the committee is requested to develop relevant scenarios for optimal unit structure at the faculty with fewer departments than the current five. The committee is requested to:

  • Develop relevant models with two departments, relevant models with three departments, and relevant models with four departments
  • Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each model regarding research, education, administration, space utilization, finances, and working environment
  • Recommend a model

The committee is requested to provide progress reports at faculty board meetings during the process. The report is requested to be delivered by the end of March 2024.

Evaluating whether a change in departmental structure is desirable is thus beyond the scope of the committee's mandate. The committee's task is to describe various possible future models for departmental structure with fewer departments than the current five and evaluate these in light of the criteria in the mandate.


Tidsplan for arbeidet med optimal enhetsstruktur.
Det psykologiske fakultet

Faculty board cases

Links to all relevant Faculty board cases about the process (in Norwegian).

S 51/23 Strategiplan for Det psykologiske fakultet 2023-2030
S 75/23 Optimal enhetsstruktur ved Det psykologiske fakultet - åpning av prosess
S 85/23 Optimal enhetsstruktur ved Det psykologiske fakultet - mandat og komité
S 95/23 Oppnevning av komité for å utrede struktur med færre institutter, jf. styresak 85/23
S 20/24 Arbeidet med optimal enhetsstruktur: mottak av rapport fra komité
S 69/24 Optimal enhetsstruktur ved Det psykologiske fakultet - forslag til ny modell og prosess fremover
S 86/24 Revidert sak - Optimal enhetsstruktur ved Det psykologiske fakultet - forslag til ny modell og prosess fremover


You can read the report prepared by the committee here (in Norwegian). The report was completed in March 2024. 

Bilde av forsiden til rapporten
Det psykologiske fakultet


The report was presented by the comittee leader during the open meeting 5.4.24 on Teams. 


After the faculty board recieved the report, it was sent for consultation to the faculty's units, the faculty administration, the faculty council for education in clinical psychology, the personell safety representative and the students at the Faculty of Psychology. The deadline is set to May 16, 2024.

The consultation letter can be found here.  

Consultation replies 2024: 

Consultation replies spring 2025:

Faculty administration
Safety delegates
Fagultvalget for profesjonsstudiet


Open meetings

  • 08.03.24, 1:00 PM-2:00 PM on Teams.
  • 05.04.24, 1:00 PM-2:30 PM on Teams (invitation sent to all employees via Outlook 29.03.24)
  • 08.10.24, 1:00 PM-2:00 PM on Teams (invitation sent to all employees via Outlook 04.10.24)
  • 17.01.25, 1:00 PM-2:00 PM on Teams (invitation sent to all employees via Outlook 17.12.24)


Open meeting 5.4.24 is avaliable here

Open meeting 8.10.24 is avaliable here