Centre for Women's and Gender Research
Reading circle

Bergen International Book Club - The Pink Line

In tonight's reading circle, led by Kari Jegerstedt at SKOK, the members will discuss Mark Gevisser's book The Pink Line - Journeys Across the World's Queer Frontiers.

A black and white photo of a man with glasses and a dark sweater, his office in the background. Litteraturhuset i Bergen's logo is displayed in the left bottom corner. The book cover of The Pink Line - The World's Queer Frontiers to the right
Book cover: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. Photo: Fiona McPherson

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The reading circle is relevant for SKOK's event The global pink line and culture war at Litteraturhuset 27 April, where Gevisser will read from his book and discuss it with panelists from Queer World, FRI and SAIH. The event will be moderated by SKOK's Randi Gressgård.

In his eye-opening book The Pink Line: Journeys Across the World’s Queer Frontiers, the South-African journalist Mark Gevisser maps how various forces across the globe are pushing back against progress on sexuality and gender identity.

If you want to read the book and discuss it ahead of SKOK's event on the 27th, you can register as a member of the reading circle by e-mailing bookclub@litfestbergen.no and/or ask to become a member of the Facebook group.

The conversation will be in English, and the event is free.