Courses on gender
Courses on gender can be integrated into your bachelor or master degree as electives.
Main content
Below you will find an overview of gender-related courses at the University of Bergen. The course title indicates whether the course is held in Norwegian or English.
Gender courses at SKOK
KVIK100 Kjønnsforskinga sine tenkjemåtar
KVIK102 Likestilling og mangfald
KVIK103 Queer Theory with International virtual exchange
KVIK201 Nyare teoriar om kjønn og seksualitet
KVIK206 Gender and Sexuality in a Global Context
Gender courses at other UiB departments
KVIK203 Literature, Gender and Culture
KUVI106 Kjønn, seksualitet, kultur
SOS109 Life courses in a Scandinavian welfare state
HIS108 Oversikt over kvinne- og kjønnshistorie
MVK210 Music, Gender and Sexuality
GLODE308 Gender Analysis in Global Development: Core Perspectives and Issues
This course is part of the master program Global Development Theory and Practice for those who choose the stream "Gender in Global Development."