Research projects
Here is an overview of the ongoing research projects the Centre for Women's and Gender Research (SKOK) is involved in.

Main content
In the overview, you'll find the name and funding source for each project. Click on the project to read more.
Funding sources
SKOK participates in two on-going, externally funded projects:
- The Research Council of Norway works to promote research and innovation of high quality and relevance and to generate knowledge in priority areas to enable Norway to deal with key challenges to society and the business sector.
- Global Challenges is one of the University’s three strategic areas. This builds on a long tradition of promoting excellent research and education in development-related research. This type of research has been of major societal importance, and has brought a critical scientific perspective to discussions of different global challenges in different arenas locally, nationally and internationally.
TemPro | Research Council of Norway | Researcher project VAM (Welfare, work and migration)
Title: Temporary protection as a durable solution? The 'return turn' in asylum policies in Europe (TemPro)
Project leader: Senior researcher Jessica Schultz, Chr. Michelsens Institute
Researchers at SKOK: Researcher Marry-Anne Karlsen and postdoctoral fellow Kari Anne Klovholt Drangsland
Project period: 2020-2024
TemPro is a collaboration between anthropologists, gender and legal scholars in Norway, UK and Denmark that explores the effects of temporary protection in the current asylum- and refugee systems. These measures, part of a ‘return turn’ in the practice of refugee law post-2015, include granting short-term protection permits to refugees from certain groups, stricter requirements for receiving permanent residence, and regular protection reviews to identify people whose need for asylum no longer exists.
The project draws on an intersectional perspective to explore the implications of increased legal fragmentation of refugee protection in and across refugee law, policy, and the lives of refugees. The project further builds on and extends recent advances within migration studies that approach the temporal dimensions of migration governance.
Securing the future: Resilient cities in the context of migration | Global Challenges, UiB
Title: Securing the future: Resilient cities in the context of migration
Researchers at SKOK: PhD candidate Anders Rubing and professor Randi Gressgård
Researcher at the Department of Social Anthropology, UiB: Professor Bjørn Inge Bertelsen
Project duration: 2019-2023
To arrive at a more specific understanding of how resilience-informed security assemblages shape global challenges, the project sets out to examine the production of urban security problematics in the context of migration. Empirically, it focuses on transnational networks where security challenges are shaped and circulated.
The project is particularly concerned with reconfigurations of gendered and racialized challenges, as well as new forms of ignorance.