Alma Dzozlic Bradaric - Earth Model Award Winner 2020
Alma Dzozlic Bradaric completed her master's degree at GEO in 2020. Now she has received the first prize: Earth Model Award Winner from Halliburton for her brilliantly executed master's project.

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Alma Dzozlic Bradaric completed her master's degree at GEO in 2020. Now she has received the first prize: Earth Model Award Winner from Halliburton for her brilliantly executed master's project: ‘Seismic signature and detectability of small-scale sand injectites: insights from 2D Point-Spread Function based convolution modelling’.
The master project was a collaboration between the University of Bergen and Equinor investigating how small-scale sand injectites influence seismic images above massive reservoir sands. Such small-scale sand injectites cause challenges for well placement, volume estimates and seismic interpretation. It is therefore of interest to get a better understanding of how these structures are expressed in seismic data. To investigate this, seismic- and well data from the Grane Field (North Sea), in addition to outcrop data from Panoche Hills (USA), were used to construct detailed geological models and used to performing seismic convolution modelling. The project was supervised by Isabelle Lecomte (UiB), Christian Haug Eide (UiB), Trond Andersen (Equinor) and Helge Løseth (Equinor).
Halliburton said:
"On a related note and in part based on the quality of work Alma produced, we would love to have applications from the University of Bergen to next year’s STEPS Masters program. Please feel free to read about the program and the themes of previous years and if of interest. Application to the program will open in September."
Alma now works for Conoco in Stavanger. She has been doing this ever since she graduated last summer.
We congratulate Alma on the award!
The previous award for GEO from Halliburton was Aasmund Løvestad with his master's project in 2019.