Postdoc Development Programme
The Postdoc Development Programme is arranged from September to June every second year. The next round will start in September 2024. Apply by 15 May.

Main content
The Postdoc Development Programme aims to:
- Support postdoctoral researchers in developing the skillset needed for a successful academic career
- Build a community of early-career researchers.
- Make the Faculty of Medicine an attractive workplace for postdocs.
Participants: Postdoctoral researchers in “post doc” or “researcher” positions and an affiliation with a research group at the Faculty of Medicine. Up to 20 participants.
Content: Participants will be encouraged to co-design the programme according to their interests. Potential topics are career development, grant writing, knowledge valorisation, leadership skills or project management. For example, see the programme for 2022-2023.
Timeline: The programme runs from September 2024 to June 2025 and will encompass 3 two-day workshops in a hotel outside Bergen and 3 one-day meetings in Bergen. Tentative dates and places:
- 24-25 September 2024, Scandic Hotell Voss
- 21 November 2024, Armauer Hansens Hus, Bergen
- 16-17 January 2025, Scandic Hotel Voss
- 13 March 2025, 9-15, Armauer Hansens Hus, Bergen
- 24-25 April 2025, place tbd
- 5 June 2025, 9-15, Armauer Hansens Hus, Bergen
Commitment: Participation is free of charge. Attendance of all activities is mandatory for registered participants. The immediate superiors (group leaders, academic mentors) must be informed of the participation in the programme and plan other work activities accordingly. Participants will receive a diploma upon completion of the programme.