New centre on brain-research to open in Bergen
The University of Bergen and NTNU have joined forces to establish a new research-centre on the brain. On Wednesday October 13th, the centre will officially open in Bergen.

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A main goal of the collaboration is to identify the core principles for the plasticity of the brain and the dynamics of the neural circuits in the brain.
By doing this, researchers want to bring advanced brain research forward and in that way contribute to better treatmet of brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.
The centre will be led by Professor Clive R. Bramham at UiB and Professor Edvard I. Moser at the Kavli Institute / NTNU.
– Understanding the brain is one of the biggest challenges in science today, also considering that one in three Europeans will have a brain-related problem or disease during their lifetime, Bramham and Moser say.
In addition to Clive Bramham and Edvard I. Moser, the following participate as leaders for various parts of the project: Espen Hartveit, UiB, Cliff Kentros, NTNU, May-Britt Moser, NTNU, Giulia Quattrocolo, NTNU and Menno Witter, NTNU.
The Trond Mohn Foundation supports the initiative with NOK 25 million, and the host institutions with a total of NOK 30 million.
The opening is open to everyone and takes place in the auditorium, BBB-bygget (Bygg for biologiske basalfag), at Haukeland on October 13.
Program: 12:00-13:00 Inaugural Opening of “Mohn Research Center for the Brain”
12:00-12:02 Welcome from Clive
12:02-12:17 Presentation from Partners (Clive, Espen, Cliff, Giulia, Edvard, Menno)
12:18-12:28 Short Speeches
Stener Kvinnsland, Chair, Board of Directors, Trond Mohn Foundation
Per Bakke/Marit Bakke, The Medical Faculty
Frode Berven, Head, Department of Biomedicine
12:28-13:00 Coffee, cake and mingling
12:45-13:00 Press interview with Clive and Edvard.