Centre for Women's and Gender Research
Cross-course BAS

To write a room - to write about a room

Together with architect Julie Barfod, Kari Anne K. Drangsland and Anders Rubing from SKOK are hosting a three-day course on writing at Bergen School of Architecture (BAS).

Photos of Kari Anne Drangland and Anders Rubing over a text excerpt from Margarite Duras
Thor Brødreskift

Main content

What does writing mean to us as architects? What space can the text provide?

This cross-course is about writing and the relationship between writing and bodily and spatial presence. The course is based on different critical writ­ing traditions, such as critical spatial writing, situated feminist writing, and architectural criticism.

Together with the students we aim to examine what a writing architecture practice might be. The course will provide an introduc­tion to writing in relation to space, time, and body, and will alternate between writing exercises and bodily ways of investigating space.

The three course leaders have approached space and time through writing in different ways and write very different texts, such as experimental spatial essays, music lyrics, academic texts, and architectural criticism. No previous writing experience is required to participate in the course. It is possible to write in both English and Norwegian.

The course takes place on 22-24 February 2023 and is for students at BAS.

See link to programme below.