University of Bergen Library

Fine Art and Design Library

Møllendalsveien 61, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design

Main content

New books in the library


Printed and digital books

We have more than 25,000 printed books in the library, mainly on the topics of art and design. The majority of these books can be found on the shelves in the library. We also have an open compact magazine adjacent to the area with shelves, with various specialist literature, older literature etc. The books are arranged according to Dewey's decimal classification where books with the same subject are grouped together.

Students and staff have free access to all UBB's e-books and journal articles via UiB's network. On campus, this happens automatically, but if you work from home, you must connect via VPN to gain access. More information on how to use e-books can be found here

Books and other material can be retrieved in Oria. Feel free to ask at the information desk if you need help retrieving in Oria or at the shelves. Guidance to Oria can be found here.


Artists' books and zines

The UBBKD library is collecting artists' books and zines that can be studied in the library

The Artists' Books collection at the Fine Art and Design Library |
Books about Artists' Books

Folder (PDF) | How to proceed if you have an artist book or zine to sell to the library

Artists' Books Online | "Artists' Books Online is designed to promote critical engagement with artists books and to provide access to a digital repository of metadata, scans, and commentary" 

Bergen Art Book Fair 

Boekie Woekie (Amsterdam) | "Since it first was launched in the year 2000, this web site has remained basically the same. We just added to or took off it, or renewed where and when necessary" 

Book Arts at the Centre for Fine Print Research, UK | "Artists' books have emerged as an energetic contemporary artform over the last forty years" | Newsletter

Book Works (London) | "Established in 1984, Book Works is an art commissioning organisation specialising in artists' books, spoken word and printed matter" 

New York Art Book Fair

Printed Matter (New York) | "Printed Matter is the world''s largest non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of publications made by artists"


Journals and newspapers in the library

The library has more than 70 current printed journals, in addition to older and discontinued journals that can be found in the compact magazine. You are welcome to sit down in a good chair and read here in the library. You can also borrow new and older journals. All journals except the latest issue are available for loan. 

With us, you can also read Bergens Tidende, Dagens Næringsliv helg, Klassekampen, Morgenbladet and Weekendavisen. Many other Norwegian and international newspapers are digitally available to students and staff through PressReader (use VPN to access off campus).

Journals UBBKD
Fine Art and Design, University of Bergen Library

Image databases

ArtStor | "The Artstor Digital Library is a nonprofit resource that provides over 1.8 million digital images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and sciences with an accessible suite of software tools for teaching and research. Our community-built collections comprise contributions from outstanding international museums, photographers, libraries, scholars, photo archives, and artists and artists' estates" - From the website

In addition to the institutional login (automatically within the university network or outside by VPN) an individual account must be made to take advantage of all features. This is to be done by yourself in ArtStor.

Marcus is a portal that provides access to the Picture Collection at the University of Bergen Library. The Picture Collection is one of Norway's largest and most recognized archives for historical photography, and consists of single images and photographic collections of varying sizes from photographers, collectors and private donors - a total of around half a million photographic images.

Find more electronic image resources at The Art History website at the University Library

Electronic resources and databases

The University Library in Bergen gives students and staff access to a large number of databases with electronic resources. The most relevant for the Library for Art and Design can be found in the database list in Oria (category: Art, music and design). As a student or employee, you also have access to a large number of journal articles. In Oria, you can search for electronic journals to which the library has access. 

To access all UBB's digital documents from home, you must connect to the UiB network via VPN. See also more information about off-campus access and digital services and resources.


Film and video online

Access via the University in Bergen Library

Alexander Street Press is an electronic academic database provider. Their library streaming service, 'Academic Video Online', includes more than 80,000 titles across a wide range of academic subjects. Follow the link below and you will find many channels on various topics: For example Art and Architecture in Video, the Icarus Films Collection, LGBT Studies in Video and many more. You automatically log in via IP on campus, or VPN off campus. 

Alexander Street | Guide: Using your own computer

Free resources

Art21 | "Art21 is a celebrated global leader in presenting thought-provoking and sophisticated content about contemporary art, and the go-to place to learn first-hand from the artists of our time"

Louisiana Channel | "Videos on the arts, featuring the artists ... Art, Literature, Music, Architecture, Design"

Open Culture | "Watch 1,150 movies free online. Includes classics, indies, film noir, documentaries and other films, created by some of our greatest actors, actresses and directors"

TATE | More than 5,000: "Video and audio on art and artists"

Ubu Web | "Avantgarde art film & video. The following films are presented for educational and non-commercial use only. All copyrights belong to the artists"

Video Data Bank TV | "Launched in 2015, VDB TV is an innovative digital distribution project which provides free, online streaming access to curated programs of video and media art. Sourced from the historically significant archives of the Video Data Bank, VDB TV includes work from early video pioneers active in the 1960s and 70s, through to emerging contemporary artists"

Videokunstarkivet (The video Art Archive) | The Video Art Archive contains video works in all forms and genres, which have been produced in Norway or with a connection to Norway from the 1960s until today. The video art archive has been administered by the National Museum since 2021.

The video art archive is continuously updated, and at the turn of the year 2020/2021 contained over 3,000 works by more than 660 artists or artist groups.


PPU (Education and teacher training)

Relevant databases for pedagogy: 

ERIC | The most important international database for pedagogy. 

ProQuest EducationDatabase | Contains studies and research on pedagogy and education. It includes scientific journals, doctoral thesis, and other relevant resourcse from 1988 and onwards. 

PsycArticlesDirect | “...the database of full-text peer-reviewed articles published by the American Psychological Association and affiliated journals”. 


Relevant journals etc.: 

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift | You will find the journal in Idunn from 2002. 

FORM | We have the printed journal from 1999 in the library. 

KUNSTforum | We have the printed journal from 2009-2020 in the library. 

PressReader |  Here you can access a number of international newspapers and magazines. You can look at the most recent issues, or older issues from 5-6 years back in time. If you are connected with UiB VPN you can download the PressReader App

KHiB/KMD Research fellows critical reflections

Until the Bergen Academy of Art and Design became part of UiB, the Faculty of Art, Music and Design, the institution offered education at doctoral level through The Norwegian Artistic Research Programme. Significant for the program for artistic research, the practice of art must be at the center of the scholarship holders' projects. From 2017, this work has continued at the faculty, where the Grieg Academy forms the Department of Music.


Things That Might be True


Oceanic Horror or How to Survive the Night in the Haunted Mansion of Absolute Capitalism


Urgent Affairs, Strange Empathy


Porous Worlds – the Liminal Spaces of Relief




Reading Out Loud


Agential Matter (Invisible Landscapes)


Frozen Moments in Motion : An Artistic Research on Digital Comics


Reflective Roaming - Design, ubiquitous fantasy, everyday reality






Confessions of an Online Stalker (Critical reflection on a 3-year research titled Future Guides: From Information to Home)


SKYVELÆRE : Critical Reflection on Artistic Results of a Fellowship Project in Artistic Research 


LOOKING FOR PAINTING : Kritisk refleksjon over kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid 


15.07.2006 - 21.04.1976 - 19.01.2012 : A Collection of Writings as a Critical Reflection on an Artistic Research | Videokapittel 


kontentum : återblick, omformulering, dokument 


SECOND HAND STORIES - r e f l e c t i o n s o n t h e p r o j e c t 


Identitetsdesign for geografisk avgrensa område


Sound - Space - Body : Reflections on Artistic Practice


About Artistic Research

Nina Malterud: Kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid - nødvendig og utfordrende, published in: Nordic Journal of Art & Research Vol. 1 No.1 (2012)

Master theses in the library

From 2016 some digital master theses can be found in BORA (Bergen Open Research Archive).

The library has a physical collection of printed master theses (from 1988-2005: hovedoppgaver) between 1988-2016.
Here are links to these documents in the Library Catalogue:

Master Design (2006- ) | Master Art (2006- )

Hovedoppgaver Photography (1996-2005)

Hovedoppgaver Printmaking (1988-2004)

Hovedoppgaver Ceramics (1988-2006)

Hovedoppgaver (Interior architecture and) Furniture design (1988-2004)

Hovedoppgaver Textile (1988-2005)

Hovedoppgaver Visual Communication (1998-2005)


Contemporary Art Daily | "A Daily Journal of International Exhibitions ... Contemporary Art Group is the organization that produces Contemporary Art Daily, Contemporary Art Venues and Contemporary Art Quarterly." 

e-flux | "Established in January 1999 in New York, e-flux is an international network which reaches more than 90,000 visual art professionals on a daily basis through its website, e-mail list and special projects. Its news digest - e-flux announcements - distributes information on some of the world's most important contemporary art exhibitions, publications and symposia." 

Getty Research Portal | "The Getty Research Portal™ is a free online search platform providing worldwide access to an extensive collection of digitized art history texts from a range of institutions. This multilingual and multicultural union catalog affords art historians and other researchers the ability to search and download complete digital copies of publications devoted to art, architecture, material culture, and related fields."

Kulturrådet | Kunst, kultur og kvalitet er et forskningsprogram fra Norsk kulturråd som skal gi kunnskap om og bidra til refleksjon rundt kvalitet, kvalitetsforståelser og det grunnlaget kvalitetsdommer felles på i samtiden. 

LYSVIDEN.DK | "Lysviden.dk er et tværfagligt internetbaseret undervisningsmateriale, der dækker alle aspekter af lys og belysning. Målgruppen er studerende og undervisere på videregående og mellemlange uddannelser. Derudover kan alle andre lysinteresserede hente viden fra Lysviden.dk. Materialet består af artikler, illustrationer, øvelser og links, der frit kan benyttes i undervisningssammenhæng." 

Material District | "MaterialDistrict is the world’s leading match-making platform in the field of innovative materials. MaterialDistrict’s value as a high-end materials inspiration source is clear:  R&D- and design professionals of all industries are using our platform to discover new material solutions."

The Metropolitan Museum of Art : digitized collection (approx. 440,000 records) | Terms of use

The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) | Online exhibitions since 1929

Monoskop Log  | "Monoskop Log. Writings on arts, culture and media technology is an educational free access online resource for learners in media arts and culture, started in February 2009." 

Naxos Music Library | Tilsammen mer enn 2,3 mio. spor innenfor klassisk, jazz, blues, populær musikk og folkemusikk. Tilgang for studenter og ansatte ved UiB.

Open Culture | "Open Culture brings together high-quality cultural & educational media for the worldwide lifelong learning community. Web 2.0 has given us great amounts of intelligent audio and video. It’s all free. It’s all enriching. But it’s also scattered across the web, and not easy to find. Our whole mission is to centralize this content, curate it, and give you access to this high quality content whenever and wherever you want it."

Research Catalogue, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, University of Bergen | An international database for Artistic Research

The Serving Library | "The Serving Library is a non-profit organization founded in 2011 to develop a shared toolkit for general arts education and discourse through related activities of publishing and collecting. It comprises an annual journal published both online and in print, a public program of events and workshops, and an archive of (mostly) framed objects on permanent display."

Typo International Design Talks (videoforedrag) | "TYPO conference speakers are innovative designers, professors, marketing experts, scientists, artists, journalists and much more. They present and discuss diverse approaches in the fields of communication and design. TYPO inspires, offers insights and experiments, encourages the exchange of knowledge and is a creative playground for communication professionals." 

UbuWeb | "It's amazing to me that UbuWeb, after fifteen years, is still going. Run with no money, Ubu has succeeded by breaking all the rules, by going about things the wrong way. UbuWeb can be construed as the Robin Hood of the avant-garde, but instead of taking from one and giving to the other, we feel that in the end, we're giving to all." | About UbuWeb

VIS – Nordic Journal for Artistic Research | "VIS is a new digital journal about Artistic Research in the Nordic region. The journal is the result of a cooperation between Stockholm University of the Arts and Norwegian Artistic Research Programme. The purpose of the journal is to serve as a basic source of knowledge for anyone who wants to learn and immerse themselves in artistic research in the Nordic region. VIS website was released 9 April 2018 together with the first Issue – 0. Issue 1 will be released in January 2019"