University of Bergen Library
Courses for researchers

Academic profiles and publishing statistics

This course covers how to set up an academic ID, how to keep track of your publication record, and how to find and understand publishing statistics commonly encountered on the CV.

Main content

Target group: Ph.d. candidates, early-career researchers, scientific staff, research advisors.

Aims and content: This couse guides you through how to set up an author ID, how to keep track of what you publish, and how to find and understand statistics about your work. Module 1 covers your publishing record and author identity; module 2 covers bibliometric indicators and statistics (h-index, citations, impact factors and altmetrics); module 3 covers finding publishing statistics for your CV.



  • understand the advantages of having an author ID/profile, such as ORCID, Google Scholar or Publons. 
  • be familiar with common bibliometric indicators (e.g. h-index, citations), their limitations, and appropriate use. 
  • knowledge of other publication statistics that are available


  • can set up an author ID/profile in ORCID, Google Scholar or Publons, and keep an activity record up to date. 
  • can find statistics for various publication types using relevant platforms

Language: English

Duration: Flexible - this is an online resource that can be followed at your own pace. Modules can be taken individually. Estimated 1-2 hours for the whole course.

Course link: UBB103 Profiles and Publishing Statistics

Course provider: University Library