Department of Social Anthropology

News archive for Department of Social Anthropology

Capitalism is not just an economy, it is a type of society, according to professor in social anthropology, Don Kalb. For the past few years, he and his team have tried, through field work and research, to understand what is happening to people and communities in areas that have recently become capitalist.
In mid-September 2023, the innovative Urban Enclaving Futures project convened its third workshop entitled, “Urban Trajectories: Comparing Integration, Enclaving and Development in Africa and China” in Shanghai. While the UEF project focuses on processes related to housing, enclaving, and urbanization in the African cities of Accra, Maputo and Johannesburg, the intention of this workshop was to... Read more
At this years Bergen Anthropology Day (BAD) hosted by department of Social Anthropology and CMI to present some of the current research being done by Bergen-based anthropologists, Will Dawley and Fartein Hauan Nilsen took part and shared some of the insights form their research on Cryonics and AI.
ENMARINE hosted its kick-off conference in Bergen on October 26-27, 2023, entitled Women and the Sea: Setting the Research Agenda
This October the project gathered ten scholars in Bergen for a workshop on death and kinship in the age of technoscience. The three-day workshop was filled with good conversations and discussions, acadmic and non-adaemic over conference tables, dinner tables, and in the sauna surrounded by serene views at Solstand hotel.
The Habitable Air project introduces a new pilot study to identify, monitor, and measure community-level emissions. The pilot study, led by Dr. Kerry Chance, will employ air quality sensors placed in key household and institutional sites.
Are you working on a PhD thematically oriented towards environmental sustainability, environmental justice, ocean studies or marine economies?
(versão em português abaixo) Se invita a investigadores académicos a presentar una propuesta para una presentación académica para la conferencia de lanzamiento de ENMARINE, que tendrá lugar en Bergen los días 26 y 27 de octubre de 2023. Es la primera de un total de tres conferencias organizadas como parte del proyecto “Sostenibilidad ambiental, economías marinas y desigualdades socioeconómicas de... Read more
There is a vacancy for a permanent position as associate professor in Anthropology at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen.
This week, more than 70 PhD students from all over the world assemble in Bergen for the annual Bergen Summer Research Schools—for the first time since the pandemic.
Read the latest updates on the OceanStates front in our research blog.
A doctoral fellowship in social anthropology is available at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen, Norway.
Do you want to learn more about how anthropology approaches technology that will make us immortal? Or about how our senses – sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch – can be experienced differently in different cultures? Do you want to understand how Eastern Europe as a region is affected by the war in Ukraine? Or how about gaining in-depth insight into how people who must flee from their home... Read more
On 29 March the UN General Assembly passed a resolution put forward by Vanuatu to provide an advisory opinion on UN member states obligations in protecting the rights of current and future generations from the adverse effects of climate change.
Anthropology on Air (AoA), a new podcast from the Department of Social Anthropology, launches 15.03.2023.
Read the latest updates on the OceanStates front in our research blog.
