Department of Social Anthropology

News archive for Department of Social Anthropology

Chr. Michelsen Institute and the University of Bergen have a long-standing agreement to strengthen development-related research in Bergen. We now invite applications for collaboration between our two institutions. Deadline 14 June, 2019.
How do enclaves that arise as cities within a city, impact on urban planning and the creation of liveable and sustainable cities for all citizens? This is one of the central themes in the research project Urban Enclaving Futures.
The cutting-edge Urban Enclaving Futures project used its first workshop to define how research can bring in social, cultural, spatial and further dimensions moving beyond classic economic understandings of urban development.
Professor Bjørn Enge Bertelsen at the Department of Social Anthropology is co-editor on a newly published book. "Mozambique on the move" is a multi-disciplinary exploration of Mozambique’s contemporary and historical dynamics, bringing together scholars from across the globe.
Students, anthropologists and other invited guests had found their way to attend the Fredrik Barth Memorial Lecture 2018, held by Dr. Michael W. Scott.
On October 19 2018 Mohammad Tareq Hasan defended his thesis.
The new research project "Urban Enclaving Futures" seeks to explore enclaving in an African urban context. The project is led by Professor Bjørn Enge Bertelsen and kick-starts on October 1st 2018.
This was one of the topics discussed during Bergen Anthropology Day 2018, which gathered around 80 students, academics and researchers. Other relevant themes were the (ir)relevance of anthropology, as well as ongoing and new research projects.
New cooperation project with Tbilisi State University will offer anthropology students mobility grants, new anthropology course and summer school on anthropological research methods.
In August, the European Association for Social Anthropologists (EASA) conference was held in Stockholm. The Department for Social Anthropology was well-represented with a total of nine employees, among them also researchers from the Energethics project.
In August, Energethics researchers participated in the EASA 2018 conference: Staying - Moving - Settling in Stockholm. We presented papers in the panels ‘Energy in Motion’ and ‘Globalized Workers and Trade Unionism’.
The ERC Advanced Grant Egalitarianism: Forms, Processes, Comparisons is entering its final project year and several important publications have recently appeared.
The Department of Social Anthropology offers two exciting courses taught in English autumn semester 2022, and we welcome both international and Norwegian students to participate.
Energethics published their first article “Rethinking Access. Key Methodological Challenges in Studying Energy Companies” in the journal "Energy Research and Social Science". The article is available online.
What happens when the basic values and social mechanism of society are challenged? And how does change influence how we view ourselves as human beings? This is at the heart of a new anthropological project at the University of Bergen.
At the annual High-level Political Forum at the United Nations, the University of Bergen will participate in workshops and side events. This to make sure that research and knowledge is heard as part of the 2030 Agenda.
“This award means a lot to us. It is wonderful to get recognition for all the work and effort we have put into our research,” says award winner Annelin Eriksen.
