Department of Social Anthropology

News archive for Department of Social Anthropology

On 19 June 2018, the Research Council of Norway's evaluation of the social sciences in Norway – SAMEVAL – was presented. One department and three research groups at the University of Bergen are awarded top grades in the evaluation.
Different aspects and paradigms of European asylum policy were presented when the University of Bergen held a one-day migration conference in Brussels.
Kula Kula is an independent social anthropological journal run by students at the University of Bergen, and this semester's issue is just out. PhD Candidate Marianna Bettis lectured the popular course "The Anthropology of Oil" spring semester 2018. In this article, that you can also find in Kula Kula, she explains how oil has changed our past, is leading our present and shapes our future.
In their news cover of the norwegian oil company, DNO's business abroad, Morgenbladet interviewed researchers from the Energethics-project to highlight problematic company ethics in a company which has specialised its operations in risk areas of the Middle East.
Ingrid Müftüoglu has been to Statkraft's headquarters in Oslo where she examined how CSR is articulated and performed.
Energethics researcher Ingrid Müftüoglu attended the Nordic Challenges Conference in Helsinki 7-9th of March 2018, where she presented the project and a paper on reporting practices in Norwegian energy companies.
Social anthropologist Edvard Hviding is one of three University of Bergen researchers to receive five years of major funding from the prestigious Toppforsk programme, awarded by the Research Council of Norway, for his project Mare Nullius.
The first doctorate of UiB’s Faculty of Social Sciences was awarded to Abdel Ghaffar M. Ahmed at the Department of Social Anthropology. His relationship with Professor Gunnar Håland started when he accommodated this "European" who was looking for a place to stay during a Sudan visit in the 1960s. Read Professor Ahmed's celebration of Gunnar here.
The Department of Social Anthropology offers two exciting courses taught in English spring semester 2022. No previous requirements are needed and we welcome both international and Norwegian students to participate.
Students and staff from the Department of Social Anthropology, and invited guests attended the Fredrik Barth Memorial Lecture 2017 given by Dr. Madeleine Reeves from the University of Manchester.
The future - the orientation towards a time yet to come - is fundamental for understanding contemporary global society. Read more about the researchers here.
On 26 October 2017 Mads Solberg from the Department of Social Anthropology defended his thesis.
Ongoing research and a new journal engaged academics when The Department of Social Anthropology and the anthropologists at Christian Michelsen Institute (CMI) hosted the very first Bergen Anthropology Day.
Associate Professor Iselin Åsedotter Strønen's new monograph "Grassroots Politics and Oil Culture. The Revolutionary Petro-State" offers an in-depth understanding of grassroots struggles, state transformations and social change during the Chávez-years in Venezuela.
PhD Candidate Maria Dyveke Styve has co-edited a newly released e-book that explores the relevance of dependency theory today. Read more and access the e-book here.
On 16 June Thor Erik Sortland from the Department of Social Anthropology defended his thesis.
The University of Bergen and the University of the South Pacific announced the establishment of a joint marine chair at a reception during the UN Ocean Conference.
