Department of Geography

News archive for Department of Geography

My master prosject is addressing fisheries governance and the concerns of fisher folks with regards to oil and gas extraction activities in Axim, Ghana.
My master project study focuses on food insecurity in smallholder farmers household during the Lean season in the Guinea Savanna zone of Ghana with Navrongo as the study area.
Local indigenous groups in Alberta, Canada embrace change as a survival strategy in the oil sands areas characterized by instability and uncertainty in the wake of the economic recession and devastating natural disasters.
In August two new PhD-students started working at SpaceLab: Jakob Grandin and Kristin Edith Abrahamsen Kjærås.
The Green Economy Network with the editors Andrew Jones, Patrik Ström, Brita Hermelin and Grete Rusten launches an international book about role of services in the Greening of the Economy.
Professor Terje Tvedt criticizes Social Sciences for being “water blind”.
On the 25th and 26th of April and 12th of May Nepal was struck by massive earthquakes. One year later we wanted to explore which farming systems fared better or worse after this natural disaster.
Where is the power? Why do poor farmers remain poor? Is the dominance of the global oil companies eternal and inevitable? How do local politics and power relations influence climate adaptation projects? Can conflicts of interest be turned into constructive dialogue in planning processes?
As master students in human geography, quite a lot of our time is dedicated to discussing issues related to our subject. Heated debates over the philosophy of sciences and whether or not the current environmental crisis can be solved through social revolutions or new types of city planning are normal aspect of our days.
In my master project I study livelihood vulnerability and adaptation strategies to flood: A case from Kailali district, Nepal.
In my master project I study land governance and competition for space in Ghana’s emerging oil city, Sekondi-Takoradi.
In my master project, I study integration of Ghanaian immigrants in Bergen's labour market and their contribution to development at home.
In my master project I study Mechanization of smallholder Agriculture in the Northern Savanna of Ghana and its implications on Land use and Farm Productivity.
Are we moving beyond oil? How are climate and energy transformations experienced in different parts of the world? What measures do we need to take to move our energy systems in a renewable direction?
Three of our master students in system dynamics received a prestigious award at the 2015 International System Dynamics Conference in Boston, USA.
Dr. Andrea Bassi, Founder and CEO of KnowlEdge Srl, discusses ideas, indicators and practices surrounding the concept of "green economy", explaining how it would work in practice and barriers to change.
We are deeply sad to announce the loss of Madhab Prasad Bhusal, who took his M.Phil. degree at Department of Geography from 2005-2007.
Academic staff from every strand of the geography discipline at the Geography department met in Flåm to take a closer look at the damages caused by the big flood last autumn, and to survey the reconstruction of the protected watercourse in the Flåm valley.
