IGS General Assembly 10 Jan. 2018
Summarizing 2017 at IGS

Main content
Updated: 15.01.2018 (First published: 12.01.2018)
IGS Vision: Better Health, Better Society
The Department of Global Health and Primary Care (IGS) will contribute to better health across all sectors of society, nationally and globally, and will particularly aim to reduce inequalities within health. Read the IGS Research Strategy.
IGS re-organises
- All employees at IGS belong to a Thematic Area.
- Each Thematic Area Leader has the Personnel responsibility for the people in that area.
- Membership in the various research and education groups at IGS remains flexible.
Tall for forskning og utdanning
- Original Publications 2016: 365
- Level 2-publications 2016: 91
- 27 PhD defenses in 2017
- Approx 150 PhD candidates
- 39 Master theses were passed in 2017
Prizes IGS 2017
- MED Faculty’s Teaching Prize: Inger Lise Teig
- MED Faculty’s Prize for internationalisation in study programmes: MOOC Bente Moen
- UiBs Ugle-pris (top teaching prize): MOOC Bente Moen
- Bergen kommunes prize for research and innovation: Giardia-group, based at IGS
- Norwegian Women's Public Health Association: Kirsti Malterud
- Prize for best article in 2016 in Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care: Kristine Heitmann og Lone Holst
- Prize for best News Column from Forum for Global Health Research: Esperanza Diaz
- GLOBVAC Poster prizes to 2 CIH PhD candidates
Other high points from 2017
- Science publication - Trond Riise, Anders Engeland and Kjetil Bjørnevik
- Publication in BMJ - Ole Frithjof Norheim and collaborators
- Department Day
- Film Night featuring self-produced IGS-films
New Education Leader at IGS
- Edvin Schei
- Pedagological Kick-off meeting: 14.3.2018 12-16 including lunch
New Deputy Leader at IGS
Trond Riise steps down and Ingvild Sandøy takes over.
MED / IGS / CIH are responsible for one of three multidisciplinary priority areas at UiB
Plans for 2018
- New organisation structure
- Research and Education considered equivalent
- Improving leadership
- Better profiling of Centres
- Research: strengthening application routines
- Education:
- New Education strategy
- 6 weeks field placements in General Practice
- New Master programme in Health and Society being planned