Master Project in Physics and Engineering Physics
Here you will find examples of topics for master's projects for those starting the Master's program in Physics and Engineering Physics at UiB. You can also visit the website of each of our research groups to see past and ongoing projects. Many of our previous projects are still relevant research topics and can often be adapted into new projects.
Main content
The master's program in physics has two official study tracks, Master in Physics and Master in Engineering Physics. Additionally, we have defined 9 different research areas that you can choose to specialize in based on your background. The project examples below are listed according to these research areas:
- Acoustics
- Experimental Nuclear Physics
- Experimental Particle Physics
- Medical Physics and Technology
- Microelectronics
- Nanophysics
- Optics
- Space Physics
- Theoretical Physics
The Master's program consists of two components: one course component totaling 60 credits and the master's thesis worth 60 credits. The total workload for the Master's program is 120 credits, equivalent to two years of study.

Important milestones for the first year. From start on program to start on project.
How to find a Master's project to work on?
Use the menu below. Carefully read the project examples, requirements, and associated group pages. This way, you can form an opinion on which research topic you want to specialize in. Feel free to contact the listed supervisors. Also, check the listed courses - are these courses you are directly qualified for, or do you need specific prerequisites to complete the courses and the project?
Note: We will try to facilitate that all master's students can complete the master's thesis within the research field they desire, but each supervisor has limited capacity. All students admitted to the Master's program are entitled to a supervisor and master's thesis. In some cases, several students may want the same task - in case of high demand for certain projects, students will be selected based on results. This happens only rarely, and we work to find good solutions for all our students.
In addition to the proposed master's projects, it is also possible to develop your own project together with a supervisor. If you wish to do this, contact the relevant supervisors to discuss your ideas and various options. For more information and tips on who works with the different areas, contact the study advisor (
We also recommend that you investigate which projects have been previously completed in the various research groups. You can find information about this under each of the headings in the table below.
Choosing Courses
You can find relevant courses for your master's project under project examples for each research area or in conversation with your supervisor. You can also get help from the study advisor.
Courses at Department of Physics and Technology
Courses at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
All new students must, within the first few days after starting and before the start of teaching (week 34 in the autumn/week 3 in the spring), investigate which courses fit into their master's program. External students may have problems adding courses in Studentweb. If this applies to you, you must contact the study advisor ( to open the courses in Studentweb.
Note! Helping master's students enroll in the right courses is our top priority in the first week of the semester. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the administrative or academic contact person.
Below you will find project examples, courses, and contacts/supervisors for each research area.
Project Example: Acoustics
AcousticsThe Acoustics group offers master's projects in methods and measurement technology based on ultrasound wave propagation in gases, liquids, and solids. These projects are linked to our research activities and often include both theoretical, numerical, and experimental work. Education in the acoustics group focuses mainly on fundamental understanding of physics. Research is primarily basic research-oriented but can also be related to applications of acoustic technology and is then conducted in collaboration with external partners. |
Project Example
Supervisors/Contact Persons |
Compulsory Courses in the Master's Degree |
Recommended Courses in the Master's Degree |
PrerequisitesBachelor in Physics or equivalent, PHYS271 or equivalent |
Recommended Background |
Masterprogram - field of studyMaster in Physics |
Project Example: Experimental Nuclear Physics
Experimental Nuclear PhysicsIn nuclear physics, we are interested in studying the atomic nucleus, its properties, and the strong nuclear force that holds the nucleus together. Projects may include work with hardware and readout electronics or physics and data analysis. As part of the group at UiB, you will have the opportunity to work on basic research that contributes to a better understanding of the fundamental principles of the strong interaction and the matter it describes. |
Project Example
Supervisors/Contact PersonsJoachim Nystrand, Dieter Röhrich, Alexander Bylinkin, Max Rauch, Ingrid Mckibben Lofnes |
Compulsory Courses in the Master's DegreeNone |
Recommended Courses in the Master's DegreePHYS232, PHYS203, PHYS205, PHYS206, PHYS391 (vår: PHYS241, PHYS291) |
PrerequisitesBachelor in Physics or equivalent |
Recommended Background |
Masterprogram - field of studyMaster in Physics |
Project Example: Experimental Particle Physics
Experimental Particle PhysicsIn the particle physics group at the Department of Physics and Technology, the research is primarily connected to the ATLAS experiment at CERN. We participate in data collection, physics analysis of data, and instrumentation related to the upgrade of ATLAS. Students interested in fundamental particle physics will receive thorough training through physics analysis of ATLAS data. A significant portion of these analyses uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms. We are also committed to testing and delivering detector components for the ATLAS upgrade, and there are tasks for students interested in instrumentation and/or electronics. Stays at CERN may be relevant, and it would be natural to consider the course PHYS298 at the end of the Bachelor's program or the beginning of the MSc program. |
Project Examples
Supervisors / ContactsBjarne Stugu, Anna Lipniacka, Bertrand Martin dit Latour, Simen Hellesund |
Required Courses in the Master's ProgramNone |
Recommended Courses in the Master's ProgramAll projects: PHYS232, PHYS241 |
Background RequirementsBachelor in Physics or equivalent |
Masterprogram - field of studyMaster in Physics |
Previous Projects |
Project Example: Medical Physics and Technology
Medical Physics and TechnologyClose interdisciplinary collaboration in research and development in physics and medicine has a long tradition both locally and internationally. There is a wide range of scientific issues; from the development of instrumentation and new measurement methods, to complex simulation and physical modeling of various biophysical problems, and to advanced data analysis with and without artificial intelligence. The applications range from clinically relevant issues in various patient groups to basic research in method development and application. Most master's projects are carried out in close cooperation with clinicians or physicists from Haukeland University Hospital. |
Project Examples
Supervisors / ContactsKristian Smeland Ytre-Hauge, Eli Renate Grüner, Justas Zalieckas |
Required Courses in the Master's ProgramNone |
Background RequirementsBachelor in physics or equivalent |
Recommended Courses in the Master's Program |
Masterprogram - field of studyMaster in Physics |
Project Example: Microelectronics
MicroelectronicsMicroelectronics offers the opportunity for a master's project in instrument construction related to space physics, medical physics, the ALICE experiment at CERN, or experiments associated with SFI SmartOcean. Topics for the master's project include analog circuit design, digital design, and software development. Microelectronics is also highly relevant for the industry, providing numerous and excellent job opportunities for graduates. |
Project Examples
Supervisors / Contacts: |
Required Courses in the Master's Program |
Recommended Courses in the Master's Program |
Prerequisites |
Masterprogram - field of study
Project Example: Nanophysics
NanophysicsMeasurement technology and nanophysics offer master's theses on a variety of topics such as energy, materials science, photonics and plasmonics, sensing and quantum sensors, and more. The master's theses are research-based and can be either experimental or theoretical. |
Project Examples
Supervisors / Contacts |
Required Courses in the Master's Program |
Recommended Elective Courses in the Master's ProgramNANO161, HTEK201, HTEK202, PHYS263, PHYS264, PHYS271, PHYS206 og HTEK301 |
PrerequisitesBachelor i Fysikk eller tilsvarende |
Masterprogram - field of study
Project Example: Optics
OpticsIn optics, we study how light interacts with atoms, molecules, and other particles in the atmosphere and ocean. |
Project Examples
Supervisors / Contacts |
Required Courses in the Master's Program |
Recommended Courses in the Master's Program |
Masterprogram - field of study
Previous Projects |
Project Example: Space Physics
Space PhysicsThe Space Physics group at the Department of Physics and Technology conducts fundamental research on the interaction between the Earth and near-Earth space. We also have activities in atmospheric and climate science, high-energy astrophysics, and geomagnetism. We are actively engaged in projects related to space weather and computational science. Our research activities focus on four main themes:
Project proposals (Fall 2024)
Supervisors / ContactsKjellmar Oksavik, Hilde Nesse, Martino Marisaldi, Karl Magnus Laundal, Spencer Mark Hatch See here for complete list of Academic staff and Researcher staff |
Required Courses in the Master's Program |
Recommended Courses in the Master's ProgramPHYS205, AGF-345 (UNIS), Full course list for the group: |
Masterprogram - field of study
Previous Projects |
Project Example: Theoretical Physics
Teoretisk FysikkIn the Theoretical Physics group, we work on describing and modeling natural processes on both small and large scales. |
Project Examples
Supervisors / ContactsMorten Førre, Jan Petter Hansen, Jörn Kersten, Tatyana Kuznetsova, Dorte Nørgaard Madsen, Konrad Tywoniuk, Johannes Fiedler, Joakim Nystrand |
Required Courses in the Master's ProgramNone |
Recommended Courses in the Master's Program |
Recommended Background |
Masterprogram - field of studyMaster in Physics |
Previous Projects |