PhD Award to Malgorzata Cyndecka
Postdoctoral fellow Malgorzata Cyndecka won the European State Aid Quarterly’s award for best PhD dissertation since 2012 within the field of state aid law.

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Malgorzata has very newly received the news that she has won the prestigious award. There were a reported large number of entrants in the competition, and six finalists were chosen among these. Malgorzata shares the first prize with Rita Szudoczky of Austria. All the entrants were required to write an article summarizing the findings in their PhD dissertation. These six articles from the finalists will all be published in the quarterly.
Happy and proud
Malgorzata will receive her award at the annual Autumn Conference European State Aid Law 2016 in Copenhagen on 1 December.
"I am happy and proud!" says Malgorzata.
"A few years ago when I entered the field of state aid law I wondered whether I would ever be able to write even a few sensible words about the subject" she says.
Malgorzata’s doctoral dissertation from 2015 bears the title ‘The Applicability and Application of the Market Economy Investor Principle’, and has newly been published in a revised version by the publishing house Kluwer Law International.
Member of task force appointed by the government
She is now in the first year of a three year postdoctoral fellowship at the faculty, financed by ‘Finansmarkedsfondet’ under the auspices of the Norwegian Research Council. Malgorzata is also a member of a task force appointed this summer by the government through the Norwegian Ministry of Commerce and Fisheries. The task force’s mandate is to clarify and assess competition between public and private companies.