University of Bergen Library
Course for researchers

Archiving of open research data

The course gives an introduction to how open sharing of research data can be achieved, including an overview about the FAIR principles and the practical requirements connected to them.

Main content

Target group: 

Ph.d. students, scientific staff, research-support personell

Aim and Content:

The course gives an introduction to how open sharing of research data can be achieved, including an overview about the FAIR principles and practical requirements connected to them, and discipline-specific, institutional and general-purpose research data archives.


  • Overview about the research data support services at UiB
  • Knowledge about UiB's Policy for Open Science
  • Aware of the requirements for open access to research data by the Research Council of Norway and the European Commission
  • Understanding of phrase "as open as possible, as closed as necessary"
  • Familiar with FAIR principles and the practical requirements connected to them
  • Familiar with research data life cycle, data provenance
  • Knowledge about data documentation and metadata, peristent file formats
  • Knowledge about discipline-specific/institutional/general-purpose research data archives
  • Knowledge about open licenses, particularly Creative Commons Licenses



English, Norwegian


1 hour

Web-based resources: 

Open Access to Research Data

Course provider: 

University Library