Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO

--CANCELLED-- Halfday seminar on Bioinformatics

Are you using bioinformatics in your research or plan to do so in the future? Are you looking for bioinformatics research partners or in need of bioinformatics support? The Computational Biology Unit (CBU) is CCBIO's partner and may have the skills and knowledge your project requires. Come to the CBU day at the Faculty of Medicine to learn more!

Text saying Cbu+Faculty of Medicine=better science

Main content



Tuesday March 24th 2020 in Auditorium 2 at BBB

12:00 – 12:10 Introduction from the Faculty of Medicine

12:10 – 13:20 Bioinformatics research at the CBU:

Harald Barsnes, Dept. of Biomedicine: Proteomics data analysis and visualization
Håkon Dahle, Dept. of Biological Sciences: Microbial community structure and function
Sushma Grellscheid, Dept. of Biological Sciences: Regulation of post-transcriptional gene expression
Inge Jonassen, Dept. of Informatics/CCBIO: Pattern discovery in molecular biology data
Anagha Joshi, Dept. of Clinical Science: Epigenetic and transcription mechanisms
Tom Michoel, Dept. of Informatics: Systems biology and machine learning
Nathalie Reuter, Dept. of Chemistry: Molecular modelling of protein dynamics
Susanna Röblitz, Dept. of Informatics: Mathematical modelling of regulatory networks
Eivind Valen, Dept. of Informatics: RNA and translation

13:20 – 13:30 Bioinformatics services at CBU and the Faculty of Medicine:

CBU Service Group: Bioinformatics support, analysis and infrastructure
Genomics Core Facility: Genomic services and bioinformatics support
SAMB: Centre for applied medical bioinformatics

13:30 – 14:00 Coffee break

14:00 – 16:00 Parallel Q&A sessions (Auditorium 2 and 4):

Bioinformatics research: Discuss potential research collaborations with CBU
Bioinformatics services: Get an overview of the available bioinformatics support

Also see flyer.

For more information about CBU see: cbu.uib.no