Department of Earth Science
Administration GEO

Administration at GEO

GEO's administration consists of 8 persons (HR / Finance and head of department are not included here):

Main content

Head of Department

Atle Rotevatn phone 555 83390, e-mail: Atle.Rotevatn@uib.no

Head of Administration

Andrea Grimnes phone 555 83300, e-mail:Andrea.Grimnes@uib.no

Research coordinator

1) Collection and dissemination of information on national and international funding opportunities.
2) Project proposal support: writing, budgeting, contract establishment.
3) Project reports and evaluations of  scientific activities in which the department is involved.
4) Monitoring and analysis of project results and evaluation of research strategies


Network coordinator iEarth CEE

Economy administration GEO

The Economy section for our department is located at the Faculty administration 1.st floor RFB

Economy related

Bookings, invoices, travel bills, schedules etc.

There are two operating economists at the section who will work for the Department of Geosciences. Alexander Brubakk will process all orders and invoices. Eli Vikdal processes time sheets, fees, refunds, travel expenses etc. The business economists also provide guidance and answer questions related to keeping travel invoices, time sheets, problems with incoming invoices, etc.

Business economist:

Purchasing and invoice processing: Alexander Bruknapp, telephone: 555 83130, Alexander.Bruknapp@uib.no

Specialist salary (certificates of time sheets, fees, reimbursements, travel expenses, etc.): Eli Vikdal, Telephone: 5558, Eli.Vikdal@uib.no

Orders are made via the department's regular customers: https://www.uib.no/geo/54412/administrasjon#bestillere-

  • Orders must, as a general rule, go via the electronic ordering system Unit4, which is handled by our specialist requesters.
  • When ordering, you must state full posting (where the order is to be paid) Remember new posting in 2021.

Travel invoices, time sheets and refunds are submitted via the Self-Service Portal.

For questions and needs for guidance in keeping timesheets, travel expenses and refunds, contact Eli Vikdal, Eli.Vikdal@uib.no.


Olav Furset,  telefon: 55583113 / 943 73 163, olav.furset@uib.no (primary contact for research groups: Geochemistry and geobiology and Quaternary geology and Paleo climate)

Anna Gradomska, telefon: 55582935, Anna.Gradomska@uib.no (primary contact for research groups: Geophysics and Geodynamic and Basin reservoar studies). Anna is the economist for most of the project 

Isabelle Lyntun, telefon: 55583165, Isabelle.Lyntun@uib.no (primærkontakt for Forskergruppene: Geodynamikk & Bassengstudier og Geofysikk)

Henrik Tangen Karlsen, telefon: 55584523, Henrik. Karlsen@uib.no  (some prosject in Quaternary geology and Paleo climate)

Heidi Lappegård, teolefon 55583497, Heidi.Lappegard@uib.no, for or SFU, iEarth

Overall economy at the Department of Earth Sciences:

Trine Gravdal Lie is section Leader

Kjersti Sagosen, telefon:  55583447, Kjersti.Sagosen@uib.no,  is Controller (MI og GEO) and will work closely with the department management.

Rigmor Geithus is leader for overall economy

Hanne Littleskare Hammer has personell responsibility for the project economists.

Tine Charlotte Overå has personell responsibility for the business economists.


The finance department wants to work closeley with us and they ask us to contact and visit their offices in the first floor.


Finance-related questions can also be sent to UiB help:

Fagspe's salary (timesheets, fees, reimbursements, travel bills):

Other economics-related questions

Info from Mat Nat

Payme - "Betalmeg" is DFØ’s self-service solution for contractors. 

Order /supplies

GEO has the following regular "orders" to be used for all orders at GEO:

  • Mareile Andersson (Supplies, Flowers, conference meals, Disputas)
  • Trine Lise Stjernholm (Inst. Arrangement, Furniture, Operation, Access, etc.)
  • Ole Meyer (electronics, field equipment)
  • Stig Monsen (field / tour)
  • Leo Zijerveld (programs, licenses)
  • Øyvind Natvik (data equipment, supplies)
  • Hildegunn Almelid (Lab equipment)
  • Lars Evje (lab equipment)
  • Jan Magne Cederstrøm (Lab equipment)
  • Franck Andersen (EPOS)

Other questions regarding order and payment - see FAQ here.


HR day-to-day running and HSE administration GEO


Informasjon til nyansatte:

Velkommen til Geo

Introduksjonskurs for nyansatte: https://www.uib.no/foransatte/126158/introduksjonskurs-nyansatte

Dette er IKT -forskrifter for Universitetet i Bergen som du må lese gjennomRenting Guesthouses

Study administration GEO

Study related:


    • Ph.d. programme - information, reception, follow-up og disputation
    • Exchange and mobility
    • The Research Education Committee - Secretary
    • Exam


    • The Master's programme - Recruitment, information, admission, reception, guidance/counselling, submssion, completion
    • Course administration
    • The programme committee - secretary
    • Web Editor for education and studies

    Håvard (/Karen):

    • Exam
    • BSc-programme – recruitment, information, reception, guidance/counselling
    • complaint cases (exams)
    • Course schedules
    • Course evalutaions
    • Web Editor for education and studies


    Centre for Deep Sea Reserach



    Utdanning av fremtidens geovitere - iEarths offisielle nettside