Centre for Women's and Gender Research

NORA conference 2022

The NORA conference 2022 brings Nordic feminist and gender researchers together. This year's title and theme is Tensions and Potentials in Nordic Feminist and Gender Research.

The words Tensions and Potentials in dark green on a white background, on a white and turquoise background: the words "in Nordic Feminist and Gender Research in dark green, "NORA conference", "University of Oslo" and June 20-22, 2022 in black
NORA Conference 2022

Main content

Centre for Women's and Gender Research (SKOK) at UiB is co-organizer and participates in the following panels and parallel sessions:

  • SKOK organizes the panel "Rethinking the concept of 'race' in gender studies in the Nordic context" Wednesday 22. June, 2.45-4.15 pm CET. Our postdoctoral fellow Redi Koobak moderates the panel and PhD candidate Dinara Yangeldina and professor Randi Gressgård from SKOK participates.
  • Associate professor Kjersti Aarstein participates in the parallel session Focus on Motherhood and Mothering, Part I, with the paper "Depictions of Labour in Norwegian Contemporary Literature."
  • Guest researcher Annamari Vitikainen participates in the parallel session Gendered and sexual distinction - concepts and exploration with the paper: "LGBTIQ+ rights and refugee admissions."