Detecting biomarkers through bioinformatics
The Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO, in collaboration with Helse Vest, arranged on June 18.-19. 2017 a new type of symposium focusing on the methodology required to identify new biomarkers in patient materials.

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The Biomarkers & Bioinformatics in Clinical Trials and Clinical Studies Symposium, June 18th-19th 2017 at Solstrand Hotel, was aimed at researchers focusing on biomarker detection through use of patient material and advanced bioinformatics tools.
As the research background of the presenters as well as of the participants differed widely, the two days were filled with interesting lectures followed by enthusiastic discussions on a range of topics related to how novel and complex methods within bioinformatics, biostatistics and mathematics can help biomedical research move forward. Reflections on practical and ethical challenges of performing research involving patients and their biological tissues resonated well, and the conversations continued well into the breaks. During the symposium the participants were introduced to many of the available infrastructures, tools and available contact points for practical help and networking, such as Biobank Haukeland, PubGene, CytBase, Elixir with national services Norwegian e-Infrastructure for Life Sciences and Tjenester for Sensitive Data (TSD), and Centre for Digital Life Norway.
Several of the attendees had brought posters presenting their ongoing projects, and utilized these as starting points for discussions with the experts.
Throughout the meeting, as well as during meals, presenters and participants kept up the lively conversations, recieving both challenges and help regarding ongoing projects. In the relaxing and beautiful surroundings of Solstrand people used the time to get to know each other and possibly create a basis for new collaborations and concepts.