The Importance of Mentoring for Career Development
Save the date for a CCBIO Special Seminar October 3rd with the title "The Importance of Mentoring for Career Development".

Main content
In this seminar organized through the CCBIO/Harvard INTPART partnership, we wish to explore how to make the most of mentoring opportunities, and provide tips and inspiration for both mentors and mentees. The seminar will consist of short presentations, panel discussion and interactions with the audience. Participants include:
- Marsha A. Moses, Ph.D., Julia Dyckman Andrus Professor, Harvard Medical School and Director, Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children’s Hospital
- Roland Jonsson, Vice Dean of Doctoral Education at the Faculty of Medicine, UiB
- Roopali Roy, Ph.D., Instructor, Harvard Medical School and Moses Laboratory, Boston Children’s Hospital
- Anne Blanchard, Ph.D., researcher at CCBIO and the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities, UiB.
Welcome and introduction by Lars A. Akslen, Director of CCBIO
Join us for sharing experience, a great discussion and an informal talk over pizza after the seminar!
The seminar is organized as part of the CCBIO/Harvard INTPART partnership, in the CCBIO Seminar series as a CCBIO Special Seminar.
When: October 3rd 2018, 13:00-16:00 (+ time for pizza get together after the seminar)
Where: Auditorium B302, Haukeland University Hospital campus, main building, 3rd floor.
Open for all: researchers, educators, postdocs, students, technicians and other staff, all over the UiB. No registration.
We know that all great minds also need food, so after the seminar, we invite to an informal pizza get together where we can continue the exchange of ideas and experiences.