Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO
CCBIO Research School / Neuro-SysMed Research School

CCBIONEUR911: Clinical Trials course 2024

The completed program qualifies for a Good Clinical Practice (GCP) certificate and covers several aspects of clinical trials – from design planning to execution – with learning examples from cancer research and neurological research alike.

Doctors discussing a medical case.

Main content

Clinical trials are studies performed in humans aimed at evaluating one or more medical surgical or behavioral intervention(s), and trials are the primary method to determine whether a new treatment is safe and effective. Most often a clinical cancer trial compare the most effective known treatment for a specific type or stage of cancer with a new approach although other designs are used more and more. Today clinical trials for almost every type of cancer and the numbers are increasing. While many trials focus on late stage disease there are also trials for cancer prevention and early diagnosis, and prevention of recurrence and survivorship.

Line Bjørge (CCBIO) and Øivind Grytten Torkildsen (Neuro-SysMed) are academically responsible for the course CCBIONEUR911: Clinical Trials in Cancer and Neurological Diseases, a collaboration between CCBIO and Neuro-SysMed

Course coordinators are  Pål Tore Bentsen (pal.bentsen@uib.no) and May Eriksen Gjerstad (may.gjerstad@uib.no) from CCBIO, and Gard Johanson (gard.johanson@uib.no) from Neuro-SysMed.

When: January 17-19, 2024

Where: Auditorium B301, Sentralblokka (hospital main building), 3rd floor, Haukeland University Hospital

Topics in the course:

  • What is a clinical study?
  • Study design
  • The pharmaceutical company perspective
  • The patient's perspective
  • Ethics
  • GCP overiview and concepts
  • Practical running of a clinical trial
  • Formalities and regulations
  • Writing a protocol
  • Applications and funding
  • Contracts
  • Translational research protocols
  • Clinical trials as part of normal clinical operations
  • Success factors
  • Clinical trials in the future

Preliminary program: available here

Registration: Deadline for ECTS providing registration is January 5, 2024. If you are already enrolled at the University of Bergen (UiB), you register through Studentweb

Available for non-ECTS participation: Yes, for those who need the Good Clinical Practice (GCP) certificate, and do not need the study points. Then please use this registration link. A GCP certificate still requires participation throughout all parts of the course. Deadline is January 5.

Open to all, and no fee.

ECTS: approved for 2 ECTS.

Read more at the student pages.