Department of Informatics

Introduction to library services

We will introduce the research support services at the University Library and give an overview about publication statistics at the Department of Informatics.

Course holders
This talk will be led by Marta Ewa Lorenz and Jenny Ostrop

Main content

Did you know that the library provides services across the whole research process, from data management planning, over the active state of research, to publication of your research article and corresponding data and/or code?

We will introduce the recently adopted “Policy for Open Science” at the University of Bergen and update you about the current requirements for open access publishing and Plan S and data management plans. In addition, we will give you some tips how you can improve visibility of your work and your researcher profile. Of course, we can also help you with literature search and reference management.

Join here on zoom: https://uib.zoom.us/j/63018170128?pwd=TU9ncHNiM0kvK3NkZ0dKa3hQd2Z3dz09

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