Department of Informatics

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Instituttseminar 2003

Main content

Autumn 2003

September 11 Einar Broch Johnsen fra UiO, Creol - et språk for distribuerte samtidige objekter October 16 Alvis Brazma, European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK, From microarray data to gene networks October 30 Dieter Kratsch, Université de Metz, France, Certifiying Algorithms Friday, October 31, 12.15-13.00 Pierre Fraigniaud, Université Paris-Sud, France, Distributed Hash Tables for P2P Network November 13 Documentary movie: 'N is a number - A portrait of Paul Erdos'. Professor Helge Tverberg will give a short introduction. December 11 Dimitrios M. Thilikos, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona,Spain, On the Monotonicity of Games Generated by Symmetric Submodular Functions

Spring 2003

Wednesday Jan 22nd 14.00-15.00 Prof. Geng Yang of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China: 'Parallel Algorithm for solving large scale systems of nonlinear equations' Friday Jan 31st 14.00-15.00 (Small Auditorium 2142) Matthew Betts from DeCode Genetics in Reykjavik. 'Conservation of gene and protein structure despite low sequence identity' Feb 6th Talal Rahman from Institute of Mathematics, University of Augsburg, Germany. `Simulation of electrorheological fluids in automotive devices' March 20th POSTPONED to April 10th March 27th Hans Bodlaender from Institute of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, on `Treewidth: Heuristics and Preprocessing'. Prof. Bodlaender visits the Algorithms group all week 24th-28th of March. Friday March 28th, 2.15pm in the small auditorium Erik Sonnhammer `Novel bioinformatics methods for comparative genomics' April 10th Prof. Torleiv Kløve from our very own department, on `Primes in P'. May 15th Christian Schindelhauer from Paderborn University, Germany, on `Worst Case Mobility in Ad Hoc Networks' Tuesday May 27th at 11,15, Professor Virginia Torczon from College of William and Mary, Dept. of Computer Science in Williamsburg, Virgina, USA; on `Pattern Search: A Status Report' Tuesday May 27th at 2pm, Carsten Thomassen from the Technical University of Denmark, on `Rendezvous numbers and von Neumans mini-max result'. Carsten Thomassen will also speak on another interesting topic at the Math. Dept. on Monday May 26th 2pm.