Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO

2017 - Pugazendhi Murugan Erusappan

Pugazendhi Murugan Erusappan (b.1984) did his education as dentist in India, and has a Master in Oral Health from the Centre of International Health, University of Bergen. He did his PhD in the Donald Gullberg group, where he studied integrin α11 and how it is involved in cancer progression, and in particular the role of the cytoplasmic tail of integrin alpha 11.

Main content

Pugazendhi had his doctoral defense May 5th 2017.
Title: “Molecular Aspects of Integrin α11 Function”.
Supervisors: Professors Donald Gullberg and Helge Wiig.
See press release.

Read more about the Gullberg group.