Department of Informatics
Internet meeting

Internet meeting about the exam forms of this spring

After a successful Zoom meeting with 50 educators and study advisors for informatics on March 26, we are organizing a new meeting about which exam forms to use for the exams of spring 2020.

Vurderingsformer for digital eksamen

Main content

How are we going to assess our students this semester where all exam participation will be from home.

UiB has prepared advice and several videos.

Every course lecturer has to ask, shortly after Easter, what kind of exam one finds most adequate for their course. There is quite bit of advice out there, and many things to consider.

Therefore, you are all invited to this Zoom meeting, where the study section will inform about the newest regulations, recommendations and advice, as well as answering questions from the last meeting. There will be opportunities to ask new questions and to discuss with peers, sharing experiences and ideas.


See you on Zoom with meeting ID 736 893 436!