Department of Comparative Politics

News archive for Department of Comparative Politics

Professor David Altman, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, is Scholar-in-Residence at the department throughout January
On November 16 and 17, 2023, Marte Samuelsen Skogen and Michaël Tatham organized a workshop, titled "The Politics of Climate Governance: Resistance and Reactions to Change".
Fay Farstad started at the Department in October 2023, coming from a position as a Senior Researcher at CICERO Center for International Climate Research
The Right to International Protection (PROTECT) is now colncluded. The project has received an outstanding review from external experts.
On Friday, September 22nd, Christies gate 15 will be renamed Stein Rokkans hus. The official name change will be marked with a visit from rector Margareth Hagen.
Ruben Berge Mathisen is the Department’s newest postdoc
On 26-27 September Dr. Thomas Däubler will hold a two-day workshop that provides an introduction to statistical methods for causal inference with observational data
Catherine Woollard, Director of the European Council for Refugees and Exiles, visited the students of EUR105.
Erick Alvarez Barreno is the department's newest PhD candidate
The students in EUR105 received a visitor from the European Commission.
Meet Paulina, Sergiu and Bilal - three new colleagues at the department
Arjan Schakel has been appointed as professor in Comparative Territorial Democracy at the Department of Comparative Politics. He was previously research professor at the department where he in 2019 started to work on the research project "Strengthening Regional Democracy" funded by a Trond Mohn Foundation starting grant.
From her office with a view over the Tuscany hills in Badia Fiesolana, Adriana Bunea reports on the opportunities that the fellowship provides – both on an academic and on a personal level.
Aaron John Spitzer, until recently a førstelektor (associate teaching professor) at UiB’s Department of Comparative Politics, has been promoted to the rank of associate professor. His position is connected to the Nansen-Initiative with a focus on governance and geopolitics of the Arctic.
Åse Gilje Østensen is associate professor at the Royal Norwegian Naval Academy, and is from August also employed as associate professor II at the department.
Jana got her PhD from the Department of Comparative Politics in 2020, and is now returning "home" to do research on political representation, political parties and elections
Arjan Schakel and Alexander Verdoes have been part of developing the recently launched European Regional Democracy Map (ERDM) - An interactive hub that allows both researchers and non-experts to explore and compare a wide array of data on regional democracy in Europe and the EU.
What challenges does the welfare state face in a post-pandemic era and how does the labor market work in developed capitalistic countries? The new course feature at the department will try to give the students the answer.
