Department of Comparative Politics

News archive for Department of Comparative Politics

“My research can help policy-makers maximize chances of reconciliation”
Professor at the Institute of Comparative Politics, Michaël Tatham, wins yet another award for his outstanding work on European regions.
‘Saktuelt’ provides a forum for political scientists to grapple with topics in the news.
Maurizio Ferrera tackles EU integration in annual Rokkan Lecture.
American legal experts and Bergen scholars share perspectives on court structures, practices and trends.
On Monday 21 August, the fourth Bergen Exchanges conference opened with a special focus on legislation as a catalyst for social change regarding gender and sexuality.
Georg Picot has long done research on temporary employment. For his next project he wants to study low-wage employment and how the state influences wages.
Wondering which courses to choose this autumn? Here is an overview over elective courses at the 200-level at the Department of Comparative Politics. The courses are open for all students at the University of Bergen and taught in English.
Professor Michaël Tatham honoured by the Faculty of Social Sciences for his volume on European regions, which was published by Oxford University Press.
SAMPOL researcher examines stances on ‘non-standard employment’
Professor Hakan G. Sicakkan wants to strengthen research on migration and transnationality in Bergen as part of the University of Bergen's focus on global challenges, which is one of three focus areas in the university's strategy for 2016-2022.
The Faculty of Social Sciences contributes strongly within all three pillars of the focus area Global Challenges: global health, inequality and migration.
The Department of Comparative Politics has a new collaboration in Brussels. BA students in Comparative Politics and European Studies are encouraged to apply for a semester at the UiB Brussels Office.
SAMPOL postdoc Hans Jørgen Gåsemyr to present at UiB conference on China-Norway collaboration
Are you a PhD candidate? Do you want to improve your communication skills? Science Grand Prix offers you free advice on how to do just this.
Thomas Piketty's bestseller about capitalism made it clear to Yvette Peters what her next research project would focus on: political inequality.
