Department of Social Anthropology

Dr. philos., Dr. polit. and PhD at the Department

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Cheishvili, Giorgi

PhD They Have Their Flag, We Have Ours


Cunningham, Rita Isdal

Ph.d.    Traces of Grace


Korsbrekke, Mari Hanssen



Rosario, Carmeliza

PhD    Donas da Terra (Female Owners of the Land)


Troscenko, Elina

PhD    Living in the Margins of the State


Borrevik, Camilla A.

PhD   “We started climate change”: A Multi-level Ethnography of Pacific Climate Leadership


Rudi, Axel

PhD   Death as Victory, Victory as Death: Violence, Martyrdom, and the Cosmology of Revolution in the Kurdish Freedom Movement


Styve, Maria D.

PhD    From Marikana to London: The Anti-Blackness of Mining Finance

Vina, Michael A.

PhD   When Rivers do not Meet the Sea. Discordant Rhythms,
Uncertain Paths, and Brackish Livelihoods in Southern Coastal Manabi Province, Ecuador


Hasan, Tareq Mohammad

PhD     Industry, Work, and Capitalism in Bangladesh: An Ethnography of Neoliberalism in the Asian Tiger Economy


Kvanneid, Aase

PhD     Waterworn: Climate Change Resonance in the Shivalik Hills of North India


Solberg, Mads

PhD     Experiment, Cognition and the Science of Salmon Lice: A Cognitive Ethnography of Knowledge and Material Culture in the Making


Sortland, Thor Erik

PhD     Samburu Youth Navigating Violent Terrains: Reconfiguring Samburu Masculinity in Northern Kenya


Austdal, Tord

PhD     World-Making in the Mountains: Post-Apocalyptic Utopianism in Southern Appalachia


Bedasso, Elias Alemu

PhD     Living on the Margin. Masculinity, Violence and Development Intervention in Nyangatom, Southwest Ethiopia


Helgesen, Espen

PhD     Facing the Future: Online Sociality and Emerging Forms of Play among Children in Norway


Scott, Rolf Erik

PhD     The Global Self; Constituting the Self as a Point in a Grid-Based Global World


Tabe, Tammy

PhD     Ngaira Kain Tari - We are People of the Sea: A Study of the Gilbertese Resettlement
to Solomon Islands



Angelsgård, Berit

PhD     A humanitarian solution to a political problem – UNRWA between globalized values and localized meaning


Bharadwaj, Reshma

PhD     Ways of Being: Ontological Insurrections by Little Selves in Keralam, India. A Study Focusing on Sexual Minority Women’s Movements


Bøe, Janne Bjorheim

PhD     Women and Work- Money and Gifts. The Dynamics of Gendered Economic Adaptations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories


Karlsen, Marry-Anne

PhD     Precarious inclusion. Irregular migration, practices of care and state b/ordering in Norway


Manuylov, Alexander

PhD     Russian Greeks/Greek Russians. Parameters of Identity


Skartveit, Hanna

PhD     Migrants of Consciousness. Spiritual exile, self-transformation and the overcoming of individualism in the Kabbalah Centre


Thomas, Sajan

PhD     The Fear of Fever: Epidemic Persistence and Medical Authority in a Kerala Village


Woldeselassie, Zerihun

PhD     Ethnicity: Identity and Belonging: New configuration of ethnicity and Islam among the eastern Gurage of Ethiopia



Gatisso, Mellese Madda

PhD     Phenomena of Body Practices, Tourism and Aestheticization of Everyday life among Mursi people in the Omo valley, Ethiopia


Raj, Jayaseelan

PhD     Burden of Stigma: Crisis, Identity and Alienation in a South Indian Plantation Belt 


Strønen, Iselin Åsedotter

Ph.d.     The Revolutionary Petro-State. Change, Continuity and Popular Power in Venezuela






Mountjoy, Thomas

PhD     The Experience of Citizenship and Nationhood through Sporting Practice in Solomon Islands


Varghese, Mathew Akkanad

PhD     Spatial Reconfigurations and New Social Formations: The Contemporary Urban Context of Kerala


Haukelien, Heidi

PhD     Omsorg og styring. Kjønn, arbeid og makt i velferdskommunen






Cimdina, Agnese

PhD     An Anthropology of Marketplace Behavior. Aspects of embeddedness in Norwegian entrepreneurship in the Baltics


Mzamu, Jessica Jemima

PhD     The Ways of Maize: Food, Poverty, Policy and the Politics of Meaning among the Chewa of Malawi


Teig, Inger Lise

PhD     Managing patient movement: Exploring practices of management, responsibility and trust in a Norwegian psychiatric hospital


Bezabeh, Samson Abebe

PhD     Subjects of Empires/Citizens of States: Yemenis in the Port of Djibouti and its Hinterland



Ystanes, Margit

PhD     Precarious Trust. Problems of Managing Self and Sociality in Guatemala


Lie, Jon Harald Sande

PhD     Developmentality. An ethnography of the new aid architecture and the formation of the World Bank–Uganda partnership


Toje, Hege

PhD     Governing mobilities. State formation in and beyond a Cossack settlement in the North Western Caucasus



Kårtveit, Bård Helge

PhD     'In fifteen years there’ll be none of us left!' Attachments, resilience and migration among Bethlehem Christians


Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge

PhD     Violent becomings. State formation and the traditional field in colonial andpostcolonial Mozambique


Onyango, Eria Olowo

PhD     Pastoralists in violent defiance of the state : the case of the Karimojong in northeastern Uganda


Larsen, Hege Myrlund

PhD            Buddhism in popular culture : the case of Sri Lankan "Tovil dance"  2010 (ISBN 978-82-308-1508-3) 452 s.


Fagertun, Anette

PhD            The Gender of Work and the Work of Gender: On social transformations in two fisher villages on Jimbaran Bay, Bali, Indonesia. UiB 2009 (ISBN 978-82-308-0719-4), 367 s.


Vadakkiniyil, Dinesan

PhD            Teyyam: the poiesis of rite and God in Malabar, South India. UiB 2009 (ISBN 978-82-308-0874-0), 282 s.


Gjelstad, Lars Edvin

PhD            Youth and cultural complexity in contemporary Indonesia : the cultural production of youth at intersections of homes, schools and peer groups in the city of Solo, Central Java. UiB 2009 (ISBN 978-82-308-0840-5), 389 s.


Berg, Cato.

DR.POLIT     “A Chief is a Chief Wherever He Goes" Land and Lines of power in Valla Lavella, Solomon Islands: UiB 2008 (ISBN 978-82-308-0569-5) 227 s.


Brendbekken, Marit

DR.POLIT     Mephistophelian Modernities Vodou, Anthrosophy and the state in the Dominican-Haitian borderlands. UiB 2008 ( ISBN 978-82-308-0587-9) 449 s.

 Huang, Jiangsheng
PhD             Moral Debt Which Cannot Be Returned: The Predicament of the Moderen Chinese Bureaucrat. Bergen, UiB 2008. (ISBN 978-82-308-0606-7) 183s.

Eide, Ann Kristin

DR.POLIT     The Gaze: Unfolding Realms of Enquiry. , UiB 2008 (ISBN 978-82-308-0605-0) 296 s.


Fosshagen, Kjetil K.

DR.POLIT     Island of conjuncture: State modalities and historical trajectories in Cyprus. Bergen: UiB 2008 (ISBN 978-82-308-0593-0) 267 s.


Kjærland Olsen, Kjell Ole

DR.POLIT     Identities, Ethnicities and Borderzones: Exemplars from Finnmark, Northern Norway. Bergen: UiB 2008 (ISBN 978-82-308-0521-3) 214 s.


Sissener, Tone K.

DR.POLIT     A state of Corruption? An Anthropology of the South Asian State. Bergen, UiB 2008 (ISBN 978-82-308-0555-8) 210 s.


Skramstad, Heidi

DR.POLIT     Making and managing femaleness, fertility and motherhood within an urban Gambian area. UiB 2008 (ISBN 978-82-308-0600-5) 302 s.


Van den Bergh, Graziella

DR.POLIT     From Blessing to Burden: Coping with the Fertile Body in Times of Aids: Adolescent Girls in Western Tanzania at the Turn of the Millennium. Bergen: UiB, 2008 (ISBN 978-82-308-0604-3) 474 s.


Ødegaard, Cecilie

DR.POLIT     A Quest for Progress: Migration, Work and Gender in the Peruvian Andes. Bergen: UiB 2006 (ISBN 978 82 308 0323 3) 401 s.


Jacobsen, Christine M.

DR.POLIT     Staying on the Straight Path. Religious Identities and Practices among Young Muslims in Norway: Universitetet i Bergen 2006 (ISBN 82-308-0263-7) 395 s.


Eriksen, Annelin

DR.POLIT     Silent movement. Transformations of gendered social structures in North Ambrym, Vanuatu. Bergen: UiB 2005 (ISBN 82-308-00022) 308 s.

 Vandeskog, Bjarne G.

DR.POLIT     Love taken for granted: Relationships between fathers and adolescent sons among Pakeha New Zealanders. Bergen: UiB 2005 (ISBN 8230800006) 243 s.

Hilde Nielssen

DR.POLIT     Ritual Imagination: A study of Tromba Possession among the Betsimisaraka of Eastern Madagascar



Kari G. Telle

DR.POLIT    Place, Hearth and Ritual. Contested Practices in a Muslim Community in Central Lombok. 2003


Marie Louise Seeberg

DR.POLIT     Dealing with Difference: Two classrooms, two countries. A comparative study of Norwegian and Dutch processes of alterity and identity, drawn from three points of view. 2003


Data Dea

DR.POLIT    The Challenges of Integrative Power:Hierarchy and Political Change in Dawro, Southern Ethiopia. 2003


Munzoul A. M. Assal

DR.POLIT    Beyond labelling: Somalis and Sudanese in Norway and the challenge of homemaking. 2003


Nefissa N.A. Naguib

DR.POLIT     Knowing water : Palestinian women between the spring and the faucet. 2003


Rio, Knut

DR. POLIT    The third man : manifestations of agency on Ambryn Island, Vanuatu. 2002


Døving, Runar

DR. POLIT    Mat som totalt sosialt fenomen.Noen eksempler med utgangspunkt i Torsvik. 2002


Lange, Siri

DR.POLIT    Managing Modernity: Gender, State and Nation in the Popular Drama of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 2002


Knutsen, Are

DR. POLIT    Boundaries of Belongingness in the Palas Valley, Pakistan. 2001


Knudsen, Ståle

DR.POLIT     Entangled Knowledges of the Black Sea. Confrontation and Convergence between Turkish Fishermen and Marine Scientists. 2001


Blystad, Astrid

DR.POLIT    Precarious procreation: Datoga Pastoralists at the late 20th century. 2000


Mûller, Hanne

DR.PHILOS    Indre erfaring som antropologisk blikk og stemme. 2000


Haram, Liv

DR.POLIT    Women out of sight: Modern Women in Gendered Worlds. The Case of the Meru of The Northern Tanzania. 2000


Rekdal, Ole Bjørn

DR.POLIT    The Invention by Tradition: Creativity and Change among the Iraqw of Northern Tanzania. 1999


Haukanes, Haldis

DR.POLIT    Grand Dramas - Ordinary Lives; State, Locality and Person in Post-Communist Czech Society. 1999


Selstad, Leif

DR.POLIT    An Island of Tradition. Ritual Life and Local Traditionalism in a Tokyo Bay Community. 1998


Asaduzzaman, Asad

DR.POLIT    Urban Sweepers in Bangladesh: Caste and Community, Religion and Dignity. 1997


Jacobsen, Frode Fadnes

DR.POLIT    Narratives as points of entry into Beja cultural knowledge. Exploring theories of sickness and misfortune among the Hadandowa Beja. 1997


Storås, Frode

DR.PHILOS    Being a nomad. Turkana, Kenya. 1996


Kamalkhani, Zahra

DR.POLIT    Woman's Islam: Religious Practice Among Women in Today's Iran. 1996


Bringslid, Mary Bente

DR.POLIT    Bygda og den framande. Ein studie av det lokales de- og rekontekstualisering i ei vestnorsk bygd. 1996


Kanaaneh, Moslih

DR.POLIT    Left behind: Palestinians in the Jewish State. 1995


Bråten, Eldar

DR.POLIT    Riddles of Inverted Being: A case of self and fellowship formation in Yogyakarta,Java. 1995


Bleie, Tone

DR.PHILOS    Brides for Ruin, Grooms for wealth? Marriage prestations in rural Bangladesh. 1995


Hollup, Oddvar

DR.POLIT    Changing conceptualization of Indian Ethnic Identity in Maruritius. 1994


Sørbø, Gunnar M.

DR.PHILOS    Micro-macro Issues in Rural Development: A study of Economic Adaptation in Eastern Sudan. 1994


Minnich, Robert Gary

DR.PHILOS    Homesteaders and Citizens: An Ecology of Person and Self-realization among Slovene Speaking Villagers on the Austro-Italian Frontier. 1993


Hviding, Edvard

DR.POLIT    Guardians of Marovo Lagoon. The Sea as Cultural and Relational Focus in Western Solomon Islands. 1993


Tambs-Lyche, Harald

DR.PHILOS    Power and Devotion. Religion and Society in Saurashtra. 1992


Aase, Tor H.

DR.POLIT    Punjabi Practices of Migration. Punjabi Life Project in Pakistan and Norway. 1992


Broch-Due, Vigdis

DR.PHILOS    The Bodies within the Body. 1991


Manger, Leif

DR.PHILOS    From the Mountains to the Plains. The integration of the Lafofa Nuba into Sudanese society. 1991


Bjelland, Anne Karen

DR.POLIT    Sorgerne glemmer jeg - minnene gjemmer jeg.... En studie av beboernes identitetshåndtering i aldershjem. 1990


Beyer Broch, Harald

DR.PHILOS    Growing up Obediently - Bonerate childhood observed. 1990


Kituyi, Mukhisa.

DR.POLIT    Becoming Kenyans. History and Adaptation in the Transformation of the Pastoral Maasai. 1989


Knudsen, John Chr.

DR.PHILOS    Vietnamese Survivors. Processes involved in Refugee Coping and Adaptations. 1988


Sharif, Harir

DR.PHILOS    The Politics of Number: medietry, leadership and the political process among the Beri Zaghawa of the Sudan. 1987


Gulbrandsen, Ørnulf

DR.PHILOS    Privilege and responsibility. On transformations of hierarchical relations in a Tswana society. 1987


Tesli, Arne

DR.POLIT.    Individual Adaptations, Domestic Units, and Identity Management among Turkish Migrants in an Internatio-nal Setting. 1986


Marianne Gullestad

DR.PHILOS    Kitchen Table Society - a case study of the family life and friendship of young working class mothers in urban Norway. 1984


Grønhaug, Reidar

DR.PHILOS    Micro-Macro Relations. Social Organization in Antalya, Southern Turkey. 1975



Abdel Ghaffar Muhammad A.

DR.PHILOS     Shayks and Followers, Political struggle in the Rufa'a al-Hoi Naz-irate in the Sudan. 1973