University Museum of Bergen

News archive for University Museum of Bergen

Census is another word for population count. An extensive status report of this kind of life in the world’s oceans has recently been carried out by 2700 marine researchers from eighty countries over a period of 10 years in the global programme Census of Marine Life (CoML- www.coml.org), in which Bergen Museum and the University of Bergen have also participated through the MAR-ECO project (www.mar... Read more
During the autumn holidays (12 - 17 October 2010), the museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. (Saturday and Sunday 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.). Come to the Cultural History Collections, Håkon Sheteligsplass 10, and take part in exciting adventures in our new Exploration Room!