Department of Government

News archive for Department of Government

Per Lægreid and Tom Christensen with new chapter in Handbook of Public Administration
Four of the five most popular master programmes among international applicants directly tackle global challenges. 
Hanne Kvilhaugsvik examines employer panels in Nordic university governance.
Zuzana Murdoch co-authors a new article looking at how staff attitudes are affected by changes in top leadership positions.
Per Lægreid co-authors in a newly published article in the International Journal of Public Administration about the use of ICT tools in the central government.
Per Lægreid with chapter in special IIAS-report on the public governance of the COVID-19 pandemic
Lise Rykkja and Per Lægreid with new article on Nordic Administrative Collaboration
– We are very happy to mark our position as a national competence centre on survey data and development of the survey method, says deputy dean Ragnhild Muriaas.
Magnus Sirnes Hjellum and Per Lægreid with new publication in Safety Science.
Postdoc Jenny Krutzinna addresses the state's obligation to facilitate ethical medical data donation.
The course “Discretion and Paternalism” is a unique opportunity for students interested in research on power, the welfare state and decision-making, says Professor Marit Skivenes.
On May 23, 2018 the first March / Olsen Honorary Lecture was held in the University Aula at the University of Bergen.
Professor James G. March passed away on September 27, 2018.
The “European Group for Public Administration” study group will hold its annual conference 5-7. September 2018, in Lausanne, Switzerland.
The world is characterized by turbulence, crises and unruly problems, oftentimes increasing a ‘fear factor’ in citizens. At the same time, threats and crises have always been upon us in one form or another. This makes crisis management and societal security important for political leaders as well as public administration.
The book "Managing Universities", edited by professor Ivar Bleiklie, has been nominated for a research prize for significant research on international higher education.
Professor Marit Skivenes has received 10 million Norwegian kroner from the Research Council of Norway for her research on child care. The new grant is part of her new research centre, which will bring together world-class researchers in the field of law, child protection and children's rights.
