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Professor Giovanni Zambon and researcher Dr. Valentina Zaffaroni Caorsi from the University of Milan-Bicocca recently visited the Centre to conduct preliminary experiments as part of the pan-European project DeuteroNoise.
"Even though the rules are different, the Nordic perspective gives value because we have so many cultural roots in common, says the Faculty of Law's new Honorary Doctorate, Mads Bryde Andersen. The professor at the University of Copenhagen is an active promoter of keeping the Nordic legal tradition alive.
On 21 February 2024 the University of Bergen and partners organized an event on ocean governance at Norway House in Brussels. The discussions at the event and an outcome discussion has now resulted in the first Ocean Futures 2030 Policy Brief.
Capitalism is not just an economy, it is a type of society, according to professor in social anthropology, Don Kalb. For the past few years, he and his team have tried, through field work and research, to understand what is happening to people and communities in areas that have recently become capitalist.
The new Honorary Doctor at the Faculty of Medicine, Alberto Ascherio, was head of the breakthrough showing that there is a connection between MS and the Epstein-Barr virus. In collaboration with researchers from UiB, he hopes that the next step will be to develop a vaccine against the disease.
Today, it was announced that the 2024 Holberg Prize is awarded to Cameroonian political theorist Achille Mbembe. The Nils Klim Prize is awarded to environmental social scientist Siddharth Sareen.
Researchers from University of Bergen have investigated the relation between 40-year-old women’s pregnancy history and later risk of dying of cardiovascular diseases.
The Geomicrobiology Laboratory at UiB becomes the first public laboratory in Norway to receive the environmental certification from My Green Lab. The work on the certification has been done with support from the UiB Climate Fund.