Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)

News archive for Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)

The FØH research group held their annual summer seminar at Espegrend on 17-18 June 2009.
The marine microbial community contributes to almost 50% of the earth’s total carbon production and thus plays a major role in the ecology of our biosphere. But do we understand how it works? Can we predict how it will respond to changes such as those involved in climate change? Increased understanding of the earth’s geo- and bio-sphere, and its bio-geochemical cycles, particularly in marine... Read more
BIO researcher, Sigrunn Eliassen proposes this as a new hypothesis to a long-standing conundrum in sexual selection theory. By offering an explanation to patterns in nature that have proven difficult to interpret, understand, and predict with existing theory, the FriBIO evaluators in 2008 clearly agreed with Eliassen that her work has the potential for significant impact.
Congratulations to Petra Rodewald who has just completed the first chapter of her research scientist adventure (her Masters) and has already lined up chapter two; a PhD position in Finland.