Faculty of Humanities

News archive for Faculty of Humanities

Against the background of the annual Climate Festival in Bergen (Klimafestivalen § 112 - Bergen), the CLIMLIFE research group arranged an event at Litteraturhuset i Bergen on Monday, 7th June, to present and discuss selected results from a recently conducted school survey on climate and lifestyle.
Out of 161 applications, SVT’s Centre of Actionable Knowledges (AcKnowledges) was one of 36 initiatives nationwide that made it to round two of the call.
UiB researcher Redi Koobak is one of the editors behind the new volume Postcolonial and Postsocialist Dialogues: Intersections, Opacities, Challenges in Feminist Theorizing and Practice.
A corollary of my seasonal study is an interest in the diverse markers of time embedded in the gardens.
I'm interested in seasonality at Arboretet and investigating whether there are any changes to how the gardeners and scientists are relating to seasons.
People commonly associate foods with seasons, particularly when it comes to foraging for wild plants like mushrooms or berries.
ELO 2021 launches next week with a variety of virtual talks, workshops, and arts performances from May 24th - May 28th, as well as several permanent online exhibitions.
The earliest human burial in Africa has been discovered at an archaeological site near Mombasa. Excavations revealed the body of a three-year-old child, deliberately buried around 78,000 years old.
The first journal for Arabic speakers in Norway, DER, includes in its latest issue a translated version of UiB researcher Randi Gressgård’s article about microaggression: Banging one’s head against the wall.
Our research team gave an online lecture which became the fourth of a series of guest lectures “Seven months, seven universities” by Arqus.
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Jason Nelson as Associate Professor with UiB Digital Culture.
Associate professor at UiB, Kjetil Rommetveit, has received funding from the Research Council of Norway (RCN) to study contact tracing under covid-19 as digital politics.
The conference MoMM2021: Exploring multilingualism in education was a great success and as a team, we share our experience in organizing this digital event in a podcast.
The 2020 SapienCE Annual report is now published. The report presents stories, field reports and articles based on a selection of scientific publications issued throughout the year.
UiB researcher Arjan Wardekker was recently admitted to The Young Academy of Europe (YAE).
Today was my fifth Friday working at the Arboretum, assisting the gardeners and learning about the seasonal rhythms of their work.
Religious minorities can challenge societal consensus on how people should lead their lives. How much difference are societies and states willing to allow for? A brand-new online master’s program aims to improve our knowledge about religious minorities around the world.
Researcher of medieval English literature, Laura Saetveit Miles, is awarded the University of Bergen's Meltzer Prize for Outstanding Younger Researcher 2020.
