Faculty of Law

News archive for Faculty of Law

Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui will guide and assist EU memberstates with his legal expertise to ensure that the transition to a climate-neutral economy occurs in a fair manner.
Professor Berte-Elen Reinersten Konow has contributed to investigating the need for screening economic activity against businesses that are not subject to the security law (NOU 2023:28).
The research group organized Bergen Energy and Climate Law Days 2023 from the 23rd to the 24th of October.
Did you miss Thomas Herzfelder Hansens presentation investigating the impact on engineering, manufacturing, commissioning, and farm-farm interaction due to the ongoing race for bigger turbines? Watch it here!
The research group for Legal Culture, Legal History and Comparative Law at the University of Bergen invited to the fourth Norwegian legal historians' day on Friday 17 November 2023 in Bergen.
Is there such a thing as a Nordic legal culture or is this narrative just a myth? How can the concept of a Nordic legal culture be used as an analytical lens?
Marius Mikkel Kjølstad has prepared an overview of preserved legal lectures from the 19th century.
The research group would like to congratulate three of its members as new members of the European Law Institute.
The Faculty of Law at UiB and Offshore Norge have entered into a knowledge collaboration to investigate the legal and economic framework for decommissioning in the petroleum industry.
Eirik Finserås was interviewed by Energi og Klima after the publication of the article "Gone with the wind? Wind farm-induced wakes and regulatory gaps."
A new book was published in September about Frederik Stang's natural law lectures from 1830–1831; and a natural law seminar was held at the Faculty of Law (UiB). Stang was one of the most important players in Norwegian history in the 19th century and Norway's first prime minister.
Together with Professor Geir Heivoll (PHS), Karnov Forlag will start a new project which aims to publish legal history commentaries in several key areas.
Did you miss Arill Hagland's talk on OneSubsea Processing's plans for developing subsea substations for offshore wind parks? Watch it here!
At this event in Brussels on 23 January 2024, researchers from the University of Bergen and NORCE presented and discussed new and pressing democracy issues with policy makers and experts from the European Commission and stakeholder organizations.
The project will explore the legal framework of working life in Norway and other European countries, with a focus on the concept of work-life balance.
Offshore wind farms can “steal” the capacity of other farms by up to 20 percent up to 50 kilometres away, due to wake loss. The regulation is ambiguous and needs to be developed to accommodate large-scale offshore wind development in the North Sea and other ocean areas, according to PhD Candidate Eirik Finseraas at the Faculty of Law, University of Bergen.
In collaboration with the Norwegian School of Economics and the Norwegian Tax Authorities, the Faculty of Law invited around 100 participants to a new Tax Law Conference. This time, the conference delved into new, topical issues within taxation.
