University Museum of Bergen

News archive for University Museum of Bergen

This year, we have a display of special vegetables from Asia and Ancient Rome, and also cereal grains from Afghanistan.
A sure sign of summer is the sight of summer flowers in the Botanical Garden at Milde. The finishing stage of the out planting is now around the corner.
A sure sign of summer is the sight of summer flowers in the Botanical Garden at Milde. The finishing stage of the out planting is now around the corner.
In a rather common type of desk in Bergen Museum’s furniture collection, a discovery of unknown treasures has been made.A total of 300 letters from D.C Danielssen’s recently discovered letter collection have now been opened and read through.
- The Museum in Bergen has an exceptionally great potential, says Christoffer Schander, who right in the middle of the Museum Project 2014 will begin his tenure as the director of Bergen Museum.
A hitherto unknown deep-sea fish species of the scaleless smooth-heads (Alepocephalidae) has now for the first time been described and published by scientists at Bergen Museum and Northeast Fisheries Science Center in Massachusetts, USA.
In March this year, more than 8122 visitors entered the exhibition halls of Bergen Museum. The Natural History Collections saw the highest increase in visitor numbers with 6129 visitors. This is the best ever month since the Museum started keeping records in 1996.
Ever wondered what you would find in the back rooms of the exhibitions – in the Museum’s side corridors and the tower room? Join us on a guided tour in the Natural History Collections and listen to all the exciting things that will take place there over the next couple of years.
Bergen Museum’s travelling exhibition "Deeper than Light" has now toured several countries. See how the Danes presented it.
The restoration work on the outer surfaces of the Natural History Collections, Museplass 3, has now been completed. From 22 February, the majority of the exhibitions will once again be open to the public, until the next phase of the restoration work starts.
Who were the unknown craftsmen who produced head adornments, shoes, combs, vessels, glass, and other types of equipment in common use in the Middle Ages? Who were the equipment and utensils made for, and who were the tradespeople who transported them between the south and the north of Europe?
Are you interested in plants, nature and horticulture? We are looking for seasonal workers for the summer 2011, for varied tasks in our plant collections.
Bergen Museum, Section for Cultural Heritage Management, currently announces jobs in connection with archaeological fieldwork for 2011. Persons interested must complete an application form by 18 February.
Which are the most common pest insects in collections and storage spaces? What types of damage occur, how can we prevent, restore, and what is the status of research? These are some of the questions that are up for discussion at this Specialist Day on Friday 14 January.
The Museum is open every day except 24, 25, 27, 31 December, and 1 January. 26 December: 11:00-16:00. 28, 29, and 30 December: 10:00-15:00.
The Rhododendron Collection in the Arboretum is now being extended. The groundwork for the collection of heritage plants has now been completed.
Census is another word for population count. An extensive status report of this kind of life in the world’s oceans has recently been carried out by 2700 marine researchers from eighty countries over a period of 10 years in the global programme Census of Marine Life (CoML- www.coml.org), in which Bergen Museum and the University of Bergen have also participated through the MAR-ECO project (www.mar... Read more
During the autumn holidays (12 - 17 October 2010), the museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. (Saturday and Sunday 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.). Come to the Cultural History Collections, Håkon Sheteligsplass 10, and take part in exciting adventures in our new Exploration Room!
