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Professor Michaël Tatham honoured by the Faculty of Social Sciences for his volume on European regions, which was published by Oxford University Press.
The University of Bergen and the University of the South Pacific announced the establishment of a joint marine chair at a reception during the UN Ocean Conference.
At the United Nations Ocean Conference in New York, the University of Bergen has committed to support a research and education project with South African partners.
At the United Nations Ocean Conference in the first week of June 2017, anthropologist Edvard Hviding established new partnerships between Norway and the Pacific island nations in marine and climate research.
The international research project TROPICO has received support from the EU's programme for research and innovation, Horizon 2020. The project is coordinated by the University of Bergen.
Professor Hakan G. Sicakkan wants to strengthen research on migration and transnationality in Bergen as part of the University of Bergen's focus on global challenges, which is one of three focus areas in the university's strategy for 2016-2022.
The Faculty of Social Sciences contributes strongly within all three pillars of the focus area Global Challenges: global health, inequality and migration.
Jan Erik Askildsen and Ragnhild Louise Muriaas want to strengthen the emphasis on external financing and facilitate the growth in the number of students at the faculty.
Are you a PhD candidate? Do you want to improve your communication skills? Science Grand Prix offers you free advice on how to do just this.
Marija Slavkovik has always been attracted to machines. In fact, she has turned artificial intelligence into the core theme of her research.
Thomas Piketty's bestseller about capitalism made it clear to Yvette Peters what her next research project would focus on: political inequality.
Research-based knowledge about society should be the focal point when addressing the major societal challenges in a turbulent era. The EU’s next research programme needs to take on these challenges.
Kristine Jørgensen has been appointed professor at the University of Bergen. She is Norway’s first woman to become a professor focusing on computer game studies.
In her new project, social anthropologist Anna Szolucha wants to look at citizen engagement in climate and energy transformation. In particular, she asks: how do you involve people from the bottom and up?
In August, six new and innovative media study programmes are launched in Media City Bergen. Academic Director Ole J. Mjøs looks forward to welcoming new media students to Bergen.
Dag Rune Olsen and Margareth Hagen are elected as Rector and Pro-Rector for the period 2017 - 2021.
The distuingished American sociologist Arthur L. Stinchcombe has been appointed a honorary doctor at the University of Bergen.
The University of Bergen has success in the QS university rankings, based on subject areas. Within the category of marine research, the University of Bergen was named the 37th best in the world.
