Department of Earth Science

News archive for Department of Earth Science

Last week we received the good news of the award of 3 new projects. A 4SWIND project with Haflidi Haflidason as project manager and two projects funded by - The DeepReservoir project where Christian Eide is project manager. This concerns chlorite deposits in sandstone reservoirs, and the PALMAR project where Ritske Huismans is involved from GEO, and UiO is the coordinator. Where they will... Read more
On Friday 17. June Edoseghe Osagiede defended his thesis "The structural evolution of rift fault networks: From pre-existing structural controls to topological characterisation of the northern North Sea Rift System"
The R/V G.O. Sars has reached day 5 of its 10 day cruise to the offshore wind sites Utsira Nord and Sørlige Nordsjø II in the North Sea.
Friday 10th of June R/V G.O. Sars set its course towards the southern North Sea to start UiB's first scientific cruise to investigate ground conditions for foundations and anchoring of offshore wind farms.
The first week in June UIB GEO has been hosting the Summer School for the Marie Curie Innovative Training Project "S2S Future: Signal Propagation from Source to Sink for the Future of Earth Resources and Energy". 13 PhD candidates have come from universities in France, Germany, UK, Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Switzerland to learn and work together in western Norway.