Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)

News archive for Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)

Our gyppy lab got its one minute of fame when the Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, Lisbeth Berg-Hansen, was visiting University of Bergen on April 27th.
UiB researchers from a number of departments and centres are investigating various aspects of CO2 leakage. CGB researchers are also highly involved.
CGB is participating in the Norwegian Ocean Observatory Network (NOON), which met recently in Bergen to discuss plans.
(fra UiB Aktuelt) Eit nytt havobservatorium på havbotnen i Norskehavet vil gje forskarane sanntidsdata rett inn på kontoret. Observatoriet kan fylle kunnskapsgap om havet for fleire fagdisiplinar.
(fra På Høyden) Forskere planlegger å etablere observatorier i dyphavene utenfor Norskekysten som skal fjernsende data kontinuerlig til land. – Dette er neste generasjons infrastruktur, sier prosjektleder Peter M. Haugan om prestisjeprosjektet.
You are invited ... to take a masters in Geobiology!
We are frantically preparing for the "Master Day" of the Biology Department on Thursday, March 17.
EvoFish member Fabian Zimmermann is currently visiting the School of Economics and Finance at the University of Tasmania as part of his PhD project
Iceland, with its unique situation on a mid-ocean ridge, is an ideal natural laboratory for the study of the interface between the geosphere and the biosphere.
Evolutionary Applications has newly published a special issue "In the light of evolution: interdisciplinary challenges in food, health, and the environment".
Sometimes fish can be just as scary as aliens – especially if you are a tiny Daphnia looking into the mouth of a big perch. Until 2006 daphnids in Lake Myravatn were unaware of the vertebrates living in neighbouring lakes. That year perch was illegally introduced and the daphnids had to face a novel death risk. So how do they cope with this alien invasion? PhD student Ingrid Wathne from EvoFish... Read more
The International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) has recently started a drilling campaign in the Dead Sea looking for evidence of life in an extreme hypersaline environment.
Our guppy experiment is set up to study life-history changes caused by harvesting. This involves monitoring of the populations, and harvesting at regular intervals. Now it is the time for the third harvest.
The Norwegian Research Council interviewed Fabian Zimmermann about his work in fisheries bioeconomics.
Mikko Heino from EvoFish is featuring in the video "The case of the shrinking cod", a part of the award-winning website "Evolution of life".
CGB Director, Rolf Birger Pedersen is interviewed in New Scientist about some of the latest discoveries on Earth's deep biosphere.
The paper presents the 2008 discovery of Loki’s Castle, the most northerly identified black smoker yet identified, and its unique vent fauna.
