Department of Earth Science

News archive for Department of Earth Science

Ali Shahraini will defend his PhD thesis Wednesday 15th of June at the Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen.
Thursday 26. May 2011 Eivind N. W. Støren defended his PhD-thesis at Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen
Investment in research infrastructures and technology is costly and requires long-term thinking and planning. The Research Council of Norway has a total budget of 400 million for equipment proposals for 2011. May 10 they announced the allotment of funding for equipment proposals under 30 million. The remaining funding will be granted to more costly equipment purchase proposals, which must... Read more
Espen N. Vaular, Department of Chemistry, defended his PhD thesis on 26. May 2011. Valuar has participated in the GEO-lead "Gas hydrates on the Norwegian-Barents Sea-Svalbard margin"-project (NFR-Petromaks)
Depth-dependent extension, two-stage breakup and cratonic underplating at rifted margins
UiB researchers from a number of departments and centres are investigating various aspects of CO2 leakage. CGB researchers are also highly involved.
CGB is participating in the Norwegian Ocean Observatory Network (NOON), which met recently in Bergen to discuss plans.
(fra UiB Aktuelt) Eit nytt havobservatorium på havbotnen i Norskehavet vil gje forskarane sanntidsdata rett inn på kontoret. Observatoriet kan fylle kunnskapsgap om havet for fleire fagdisiplinar.
(fra På Høyden) Forskere planlegger å etablere observatorier i dyphavene utenfor Norskekysten som skal fjernsende data kontinuerlig til land. – Dette er neste generasjons infrastruktur, sier prosjektleder Peter M. Haugan om prestisjeprosjektet.
You are invited ... to take a masters in Geobiology!
"The supercontinent which was not superb enough"
Iceland, with its unique situation on a mid-ocean ridge, is an ideal natural laboratory for the study of the interface between the geosphere and the biosphere.
Charlotte Faust Andersen defended her PhD thesis Frieday 4th of February at the Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen.
The International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) has recently started a drilling campaign in the Dead Sea looking for evidence of life in an extreme hypersaline environment.
Jo Brendryen defended his PhD-thesis 07. January 2011 at the Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen.
Mohammad Reza Saberi defended his PhD thesis Tuesday 9th of November 2010 at the Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen.
