Faculty of Medicine

News archive for Faculty of Medicine

The mechanisms of cancer cell drug resistance is still not fully understood.
The Translational Signaling Group has through professor Stein Ove Døskeland expanded our contribution of selected articles by "The Faculty of 1000". These publications are resulting from ongoing collaboration with research groups in Denmark and Germany.
Professor Stein Ove Døskeland and his group of colleagues at the Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen, is in the process of testing a new cancer medicine derived from bacteria found in seawater.
The Department of Biology (BIO), from MatNat Faculty and the Department of Biomedicine (BIOMED), from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry have undertaken a unique initiative that aims to optimize cutting edge research approaches and technology platforms at both Departments.
We study the circulation and fluid exchange in normal skin and muscle, kidney, heart, oral tissues and tumors. Our approach is integrative and translational using animal and cellular models for human disease.
“Increasing the Impact of Social Pharmacy Research” The University of Oslo, The University of Bergen and The University of Tromsø, Norway, will host the 4rd Nordic Social Pharmacy and Health Services Research Conference on 15th -16th June 2009.
In May 2009 the Biorecognition research group arrange their first internal seminar on Svalbard.
