Faculty of Social Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Social Sciences

– The UK is heading towards very uncertain times. It is hard to push the scientific borders when you feel that you are under siege, says Adriana Bunea. The former lecturer at The University of Southampton made a swift exit from Brexit and brought a prestigious grant to Bergen.
A recent article in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, using data from the Norwegian Citizen Panel and the Citizen Lab, finds that a substantial minority in seven experiments with 3,500 participants overall, decided to receive less over more money. This result may compromise the interpretation of many experiments.
In January 2019, the IMEX project organized an international workshop with presentations by project participants and invited guests from across Europe. The workshop fostered interesting discussions and new insights.
Bygnes with a new publication in Acta Sociologica: "A collective sigh of relief: Local reactions to the establishment of new asylum centers in Norway".
PhD candidates at UiB will be able to solve a specific SDG challenge provided by the UN Environment Programme. Through a new course in creative problem-solving, PhD candidates learn and apply methods that can help them establish connections across disciplines and solve problems that they could face in working life.